Thursday, November 18, 2021

Sixth & Seventh Series Quick Recap

Apropos of the these two quick tests, we'll do a quick recap of the Sixth and Seventh Series.

We began at 11:05 am and finished at 2:55 pm. There were 36 dogs who participated, which made the average run time 6.38 minutes per dog. All were called back to the Eighth Series.

Callbacks to Eight Series

All Dogs Called Back to the Eighth Series.

1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 14, 16, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 35, 40, 42, 44, 45, 50, 51, 53, 55,  61, 63, 64,  68, 70, 73, 80, 81, 83, 84,87, 90, and 91. 

0 Dogs Dropped. 

The Eighth Series will be a Water Triple at Goose Pond.
The test dog will run at 6:45 am.
The first running dog will be number 35, FC-AFC Seaside's Gorgeous George (Clooney) at 7 am.

Have a wonderful evening!

Sixth & Seventh Series In the Books @ 2:55 PM

The Sixth and Seventh Series are complete as of 2:55 pm. Stand by for callbacks to the Eighth Series.

19. FC-AFC-CAFC Baypoints Thousand Fathom Edge, "Ouuks" BLM, Kylie VandeBrake

One whistle.

One whistle in the water.
Two more to point - carried through second water.
One on second point.
Two in last water.

16. FC-AFC Hockley Creek's Switch Hitter, "Mickey” BLM, Robby Bickley

Mickey came to the line at 2:37 pm.

Three whistles.

One whistle before the road.
Two to the pond.
Three to point.
One off the point - carried to second point.
One off second point to shore.
One to bird.

14. FC Watermark’s Coal-Fired Folsom Train, "Cash" BLM, Greg Bartlett

Three whistles.

Initial line to the pond.
Three whistles to the point.
One on point.
One in second water.
One on second point.
One in third water.
One at the bird.

9. FC-AFC Beaver Runs Zig Zag Zeke, "Zeke" BLM, Andrew Curtis

Zeke came to the line at 2:21 pm.

Four whistles.

One whistle to the point.
Two to the second point.
Two to the end.

8. FC-AFC Abby's Physician Of Antioch, "Luke" BLM, Dan Hurst

Luke came to the line at 2:15 pm.

One whistle.

One whistle before the road.
One into the water.
Four in the water to the point - carried him over the second point.
One in last pond.

5. FC-AFC Drake's Bay Izzy, "Izzy" BLF, Dave Smith

Two whistles.

Initial line across the road.
One whistle into the pond.
One whistle in the pond - carried over point, across second water, and over second point. Then across the third to the bird. – Two whistle blind.

2. NFC-FC-AFC I'm Ur Search Engine, "Google" BLM, Alan Pleasant

Google came to the line at 2:03 pm.

One whistle.

One whistle just before the road.
One across the road to get in pond and across point.
Two to the far point.
One on the next point.
One in the last body of water to the bird.

1. FC-AFC Rimfires Once Inna Blue Moon, "Blue" BLM, Al Arthur

Blue came to the line at 1:58 pm.

Three whistles.

One whistle before the road.
One after the road.
Two in the water and over the point.
One in water.
One off point.
Two in water.
One on land.

91. FC AFC Bayou-Star All Jazzed Up, “Ella” BLF, Suzan Caire

Ella came to the line at 1:51 pm.

Three whistles.

In the water and back out on point early.
Two whistles to reestablish her line.
One off point.
Two in second water.
One off point.
One in last water and on bird.

90. Marshwind's Oskar, "Oskar" BLM, Bente Kongsore

Three whistles.

Initial line into pond.
Two whistles in first piece - carried over to first point.
Two in second piece of water to second point.
One on point.
One in third piece of water.
One to the bird.

87. FC Working's The New Girl Is A Hit, "Zooey" BLF, Luann Pleasant

Zooey came to the line at 1:40 pm.

Three whistles to the blind.

One whistle just before the road - carried this line into the pond.
Three in the pond.
One on first point - carried to second point.
One off point.
One in water - carried to a check down whistle at the bird.

84. FC-AFC Straight To The Heart-Dagger, "Dagger" BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Dagger came to the line at 1:35 pm.

Three whistles and a check down.

Three whistles into the water.
Three to point.
One off point.
Four to second point.
One off.
Three in last water to bird.

83. FC-AFC Doc's Mesa Boogie, "Mesa" BLF, William Smith

Mesa came to the line at 1:27 pm.

Two whistles.

One whistle before road.
Two in first water - carried over to point.
Two in second water - carried over to point.
Two in last water and to bird.

81. FC-AFC 3R'S Mr T Smoken Joe, "Smokie" BLM, Ty Rorem

One whistle and a check down.

Initial line to pond.
One whistle to end.
One on point -carried line to next point.
One to bank.
One to bird.

80. FC-AFC Silver Star's Watch'em Like A Hawk, "Hawk" BLM, Craig Crook

One whistle.

One whistle across the road - carried into pond.
One to point.
One off point - carried to second point.
One in the water to the shore.
One to the bird.

73. FC-AFC Midnight Trains Texas Ranger, "Deets" BLM, Chris Ledford

Four whistles.

One whistle into the water.
Three in the water - the last one carried Deets over the point and into next water.
Four in last water.

70. FC-AFC Bayou-Star Royal Baby, "Brit" BLF, John Caire

Brit came to the line at 1:03 pm.

One whistle right back.
One on the bird.

One whistle before the road.
One after the road - carried into the water.
One in second water.
One off point.
Two in water.
One at end.

61. FC Trumarc's Gratuity, "Tippy" BLF, Danny Farmer

Tippy came to the line at 12:59 pm.

Four whistles and a check down.

Initial line across road.
Two whistles to get in.
One more to carry across flat - instead, carried it to second point and over.
Three more to the bird.

Rebird @ 12:55 PM

There was a rebird at 12:55 pm.

68. AFC Razor's Buckshot, "Shooter" BLM, Ty Rorem

Shooter came to the line at 12:50 pm.

Two whistles and got it.

Carried initial line into first water.
Four whistles in first water.
One on point - carried to second point.
One second point.
Three more to bird.

64. FC Fine Lines Sympathy For The Devil, "Jagger" BLM, Rick Stawski

One whistle before the bale.
One after and back with bird.

One whistle before the road.
One before the bale.
One in the water to point and into next water.
Two in water - carried across second point.
One to the bird.

63. FC-AFC Bedazzled II, "Be" BLF, Yvonne Hays

One whistle right along edge of cover and left of bale - on the bird.

One whistle before road - carried into water.
Two in water.
One off.
Two in second piece of water.
One to the bird.

55. FC-AFC Kirkwood's Ace Of A Higher Grade, "Deacon" BLM, Casey Adams

Deacon came to the line at 12:36 pm.

Two quick whistles.

Initial line almost to pond.
One whistle to in.
Two for direction.
One on first point - carried cast out into water.
Two to second point.
One to get off.
Two to land and the bird.

53. FC Meadow Woods Whispering Willow, "Willow" YLF, Danny Farmer

Willow came to line at 12:23 pm.

Two whistles.

Initial line across the road.
One whistle - carried to pond.
Four in first pond.
One to get off point - carried to second point.
One off second point to the blind.

51. FC-AFC Holland Cliffs Play It Again, "Luke" BLM, Alvin Hatcher

One whistle after hay bale.
Two to the bird.

Two whistles to road - last one carried into water.
Two in first water - carried over first point.
One on second point - carried through water to bird.

50. FC-AFC Blackwater Dexter, "Dexter" BLM, Clint Avant

Dexter came to the line at 12:10 pm.

Very nice line skimming the tall cover and stayed left of hay bale.
He gets a check down whistle at the end.

Two whistles in first water. Last one carried to point, through water, over second point, into last piece of water.
Three to blind.

45. FC TruLine's Just Floyd, "Floyd" YLM, Amie Henninger

Floyd came to line at 12:04 pm.

Initial line almost at bird, then two whistles.

Initial line to road.
One whistle at bale.
One to adjust line - carried to first point, then second point, off point and into third water.
One to bank.
One to bird.

44. FC-AFC Tucked Away At River's Edge, "Tucker" BLM, Alex Abraham

Tucker came to line at 11:58 am.

Three whistles to blind.

Initial line not quite to road.
One whistle carried to pond, up and over point across second piece of water to second point.
Two whistles over point into third water - carried to bird.

42. FC Jimaviche's Hollandaise Jammer, "Jammer" BLM, Kenny Trott

One whistle into cover.
Two to adjust line down mowed strip and on the bird.

Two whistles to get water entry left of hay bale.
Two in water.
One off point.
One on far point - carried into water.
Two to finish off the blind.

33. FC Heartbeat's Sweet Georgia Peach, "Peaches" BLF, Andrew Curtis

Peaches came to the line at 11:45 am.

Ran along mowed edge.
One whistle back.
One on the bird.

Two whistles to get into the water and left of bale.
Two in water - carried across point.
One to adjust line in water.
One off point.
Two to bird.

40. FC-AFC Little Miss Freya, "Freya" BLF, James Roberts

Freya came to the line at 11:42 am.

Two whistles to the bird.

Carried line into the water half way down.
One whistle for direction.
Got out.
Two to put back in to point and all the way to second point.
One over second point - carried line to shore.
One and got his bird.

35. FC-AFC Seaside's Gorgeous George, "Clooney" BLM, Jason Baker

Clooney came to the line at 11:35 am.

Two whistles to the bird.

Carried the line across the road and into the water.
Two to get to the point - carried over point.
Three in the pond to the second point.
One on second point.
Two in third water.
One at bird.

32. FC West Bay's Jolly Roger, "Jack" BLM, Tony Flowers

Jack came to the line at 11:30 am.

Two whistles before the bale.
One after and check down on the bird.

Three whistles after road to get proper position for water entry.
Two through the water to get on point.
One off the point that carried midway to next point.
Two to get on point.
One to kick off.
Two in corner of water.
One near blind stake.

26. FC-AFC Seaside's Smarty Jones, "Smarty" BLF, Kenny Trott

Smarty came to the line at 11:23 am.

Into cover, one whistle out to path.
One to the bird.

One whistle before road.
One to angle in.
Two to get line established in water - carried across the point and on to next point.
Two on point that carried to other water and his bird.

25. Beaver Runs Raymond For Sheriff QA2, "Raymond" BLM, Andrew Curtis

Raymond came to the line at 11:18 am.

Two whistles at the blind.

One whistle at the road that carried into first water.
Three in first water - carried last one over point and into second water.
Two in second water over second point.
One in third water.
One to bird.

24. FC Ellsd's Going On A Trip Grab Ur Camo, "Camo" YLM, Jim Beck

Camo came to the line at 11:11 am.

Three whistles.

One whistle in the water.
Two for direction.
One on the first point.
Two in big water.
One on far point.
Two in far water.
One at the bird.


23. FC Yippee Kai Yea McBunn, "Kai" BLF, Dave Smith

Kai came to the line at 11:05 am.

Three whistles and she was on it.

Three to get in.
Four to adjust her line in the water.
Two to get over the tip.
One on the far point.
One to get out.
One for the bird.


Sixth Series – Test Dogs

Test dog 1 is Full Choke Winchester, "Chester," handler Deborah Gardner. He came to the line at 10:35 am.

Two whistles before the hay bale - at beginning.
Two at the end.

Two whistles before the road.
One at the bale to get in.
One to keep from getting out.

There was a problem, so Chester was called back to land for a restart.

A few more whistles over the first point to get on second point.
Out early and came into bush.

Test dog 2 is Another Cup Of Jo, "JoJo," handler Kathy Scott. She came to the line at 10:55 am.

Three whistles to the bird.

Two whistles before the road.
Two before the bale.
One to get in at the bale.
One before the first point.
Multiple whistles to get to the second point.
One on the point.
Multiple whistles to get the bird.

Sixth & Seventh Series – Land Blind & Water Blind – Mallard Pond

Series Six and Seven
The mat is facing north over a rolling field that's on the right and a pond to the handler's left. The field on the right is framed by mature yellow pines. It's striped with native grasses, and there is a road along the pond that runs between the land and pond.

Test Six – Land Blind
The line skims along the side of taller cover. The dog progresses left of a hay bale laying at the right edge of a mowed path. It goes up the mowed strip to a rooster pheasant 70 yards from the line.
Land Blind – 70 yards

Land Blind – Close-up
Test Seven – Water Blind
From the same mat, the dog is sent toward the pond. They'll cross the road, go left of the hay bale near the shore, and enter the water. They'll angle across the cove to hit the end of a point. Then, they'll re-enter the water to swim to a second point where they'll take a larger piece of this point to angle through another corner of water to reach the duck on the far shore 175 yards from the line.

Water Blind – 175 yards

Water Blind – Close-up

Sketch of the Sixth and Seventh Series by Jean Wu

Callbacks To the Sixth & Seventh Series

37 Dogs Called Back to the Sixth & Seventh Series.
1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 14, 16, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 35, 40, 42, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55,  61, 63, 64,  68, 70, 73, 80, 81, 83, 84,87, 90, and 91. 

40 Dogs Dropped. 
3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 22, 27, 28, 34, 36, 37, 41, 43, 46, 47, 49, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 85, 88, 92 and 94.

52 was called back but is now a scratch.

The Sixth/Seventh Series starting dog number is 23, per the rotation.
Sixth Series is a Land Blind & the Seventh Series is a Water Blind at Mallard Pond.

Callbacks to Sixth Series Given At Fifth Series Site

 Callbacks to Sixth Series Given At Fifth Series Site

Fifth Series – Day Three – Final Recap

The Fifth Series proved to be an arduous one that spanned three days. It was very warm and the dogs did not respond well. Additionally, there were many no birds, handles, and pick ups, but we made it.

Day one began at 10:42 am with 77 dogs and lasted until 4:48 pm (6 hours, 6 minutes.) Dog 76, FC-AFC Flawless Execution (Flex) started things off.

Day two began at 7:09 am and concluded at 1pm (5 hours, 51 minutes) due to the warm weather conditions. Quite a few of the dogs had to be picked up because of this. Dog 24, FC Ellsd's Going On A Trip Grab Ur Camo (Camo) kicked off that day's round.

Day three began at 7:20 am and the tests were complete as of 9:48 am (2 hours, 28 minutes.) Dog 61, FC Trumarc's Gratuity (Tippy) was the starter. 

All in all, we had 19 handles, 14 pick ups, 16 no birds (two of which were doubles), and the series lasted 14 hours and 25 minutes. Whew! 

From those 77 dogs who participated, 37 were called back to the next series, but number 52 scratched, leaving us with 36 for Series Six and Seven. 

Fifth Series In the Books @9:48 am

The Fifth Series has concluded at 9:48 am. Callbacks to the Sixth Series will be announced at the Fifth Series test site.

60. Rerun/Handle – Indigo Rev It Up At Shoreline, "Rex" BLM, Edward Forry

Rex made a return from yesterday afternoon and came to the line at 9:40 am.

Left flyer - Rex made a quick recovery of his bird. 

Right flyer - He made a nice line up through the slot, then broke left for a couple of loops. Into the fall area for the bird.

Short retired - He came in wide left and from behind the gunners. He turned right into the fall area for the bird.

Long retired - He punched up wide left, moved deep, and was handled. He came back into view and worked his way behind the gun station. He expanded his hunt, then went back to the fall and his bird.

74. PIck Up – FC-AFC Contrails Sky Queen, "Reina" BLF, Alan Pleasant

Left flyer - Reina went out to the area just in front of the guns. She continued up the hill to her bird.

Right flyer - She went through the right side of the short retired guns and continued up hill to her flyer. A few turns, and she got it.

Long retired - She headed right of the blind area, then continued deep right. She came back left to the fall area and got it.

Short retired - Headed wrong way. Picked up.

Conditions Update

A quick rain cell moved through. There was no delay in running but the lighting has changed. The temperature feels cooler and clouds have the entire field covered in muted light. Dogs have handle changes without note.

70. Rerun – FC-AFC Bayou-Star Royal Baby, "Brit" BLF, John Caire

Brit came to the line at 9:22 am.

Left flyer - Into the area beneath the arc. She made a hunt pattern that took her deep and behind the guns. Brit was deliberate and worked out her bird.

Right flyer - Perfect bird.

Long retired - Good initial line, but Brit got hung up for a moment in the draw. She pushed on and made a hunt in the area of the fall to find her bird.

Short retired - Line up the backside of the trees. A smart right at the end of trees, and she got her bird.

69. Handle – Rerun – FC Sweetie's Little Dash-A-Rue QA2, "Dash" BLF, Alex Drent

Dash came to the line at 9:12 am.

Left flyer - Dash went to the fall area for a tight hunt and got her bird.

Right flyer - She came in on the right and quickly found her bird.

Long retired - She made a line out to the left of the short retired guns, then drove to the right of the long retired guns. She circled behind and out into the field. She hunted and got it.

Short retired - She went past on the left. Quick whistles brought her back to her mark.

68. Rerun – AFC Razor's Buckshot, "Shooter" BLM, Ty Rorem

Shooter came to the line again at 9;03 am.

Left flyer - He got his bird.

Right flyer - Shooter made a quick recovery.

Long retired - He made a line just right of the hay bale, then drove the hill coming in left of the trees holding the retired guns. He made a left turn and was in the fall area.

Short retired - Up the backside of the the short retired guns. Turned to the left to establish a short hunt. Moved right and into the fall area for the bird.

73. FC-AFC Midnight Trains Texas Ranger, "Deets" BLM, Chris Ledford

Deets came to the line at 8:53 am.

Left flyer - Good job.

Right flyer - Deets went in front of the guns and out to his bird.

Short retired - He went left of the blind and a bit deep, then turned back toward the fall area and the bird.

Long retired - Straight toward the blind, turned left into the field, and got the bird.

72. Handle – FC Carl With A K, "Karl" BLM, Rick Stawski

Karl came to the line at 8:44 am.

Left flyer - Nice bird.

Short retired - Karl's line took him to the backside of the gunners.

Long retired - It started to rain, and Karl went wide left. He had to be handled back to the bird.

Right flyer - He came in front of the guns and went directly to the bird.

Fun Facts about the National Open

Fun Fact: This National is the fifth National Open to be held in Cheraw, SC. Previous years were 1997, 2001, 2005 and 2013.

One other was held in South Carolina … the 1981 National in Santee, roughly one hour away from Cheraw. "That was before my time," noted South Carolina resident Bill Goldstein. But, he sure did hear about it! "They got alligators. They got 16 footers! All the gunners had buckshot in their guns in case the alligators wanted a snack."

"I was in charge of the grounds for the first one in '97. I graduated to Chief Marshal in '01. I was Chairman in '05. I worked my way up the ladder."

{This blog entry was submitted by Joule Charney,  Retriever News' author of the Retrievers of the Past series that dates back to 2009. Stay tuned for more blog entries by Joule.}

71. Handle – C Kid's Aslan, "Prophet" BLM, Amie Henninger

Left flyer - Prophet went straight to the fall area for a quick retrieve.

Right flyer - He made a good line just right of the short retired guns but kept going and made quick work of getting the flyer.

Short retired - He came in right, quickly turned back left, and moved downhill to this bird.

Long retired - Went on a line wide right and deep of the blind and away from the bird. He had to be handled across the field and back to the bird.

70. No Bird – FC-AFC Bayou-Star Royal Baby, "Brit" BLF, John Caire

Brit joins the club and gets her no bird.

69. No Bird – FC Sweetie's Little Dash-A-Rue QA2, "Dash" BLF, Alex Drent

Dash came to the line at 8:28 am and he did not get a bird.

68. No Bird – AFC Razor's Buckshot, "Shooter" BLM, Ty Rorem

Shooter came to the line at 8:25 but did not get a bird.

67. FC-AFC Waluke Stryder, "Stryder" BLM, Freeman Boyett

Stryder came to the line at 8:13 am.

Left flyer - Stryder made a good line up the hill. He made one or two quarter passes to his bird.

Short retired - His line took him to the draw where he checked the area briefly, then drove on for a good mark.

Right flyer - He came into the area from behind the guns, then turned to the area of the fall to locate the bird.

Long retired - He began to hunt to the right around the backside of the trees holding the gunners. After a few passes, he moved to the left of the gunners and worked his way to the bird.

Workers' Party

We all gathered near the H. Cooper Black clubhouse for the Workers' Party. The setting was beautiful with three white tents surrounding three fire pits with roaring fires. Bill Goldstein was the "fire keeper." The Hostess Committee had set up a really nice party with custom decorations of back lab cut-outs. The wine and beer flowed as people arrived to the party. There was a roasted hog with potato salad and coleslaw and cake for dessert. It was well-attended and a good tome was had by all.

Becky Eckett and Bill Burkes