mat faces south overlooking Goose Pond. The near shore has an irregular
shoreline with clumps of growth. The far shore is framed with mature
timber of intermittent pine and deciduous trees in fall color. The wind
is constant, coming from the northeast.
One – Middle Retired: These gunners are on the opposite shore and up
the hill, and will be throwing to the right. The line will go up between
two large trees. The bird is a hen pheasant at 330 yards. The line will
take an angle down, skimming the tip of a point, and across the pond.
Coming out, they will cross the road and drive the hill. Guns are
Two – Left Retired: The hen pheasant is 310 yards. This bird is thrown
left, almost straight back, into shade of trees that extend from the
timber. The line takes them across the base of the point, across the
road, and up the finger of timber. Guns are retired.
Three – Flyer: The flyer station is a hen mallard at 135 yards. It sits
on the near shore at the base of a point. The line from the mat will
angle down the slope across the road, then across some grassy areas, to
another section of road, and entering the water at the base of the
point. Dogs will swim past some decoys to the bird. The shot will be
followed by a sluice.
10th Series – Water Triple with Two Retired and a Flyer
Middle Retired – 330 yards
Left Retired – 310 yards
Flyer – 135 yards
10th Series sketch by Official Artist Jean Wu