Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Announcement - Fifth Series Test Suspended for the Day

At 1 pm it was announced that the Judges, Field Trial Committee, and veterinarian made a decision that it was too hot to continue the Fifth Series today. 

The Fifth Series will start again tomorrow morning with the dog that was last in the holding blind today – #61. The last dog to run today, #60, had been asked by the Judges to pick up his dog. #60 will be the last running dog tomorrow. 

The test dog will run at 6:45 am tomorrow morning and the first running dog will come to the line at 7 am.

Have a good evening!

60. Indigo Rev It Up At Shoreline, "Rex" BLM, Edward Forry

Rex came to the line at 12:46 pm.

Left flyer - Rex hunted close to the guns, went behind the tree, and then deep and back to the guns. He went deep both up and down the hill and had an extended hunt.

The judges asked Ed to pick up his dog.

(He will rerun at the end of the series tomorrow.)

59. Pick Up – FC Tucquan's Takin' The Rysk, "Rysk" BLM, Alan Pleasant

Rysk came to the line at 12:35 pm.

Left flyer - Rysk went up the hill to the fall area and stepped on it!

Right flyer - He came in left of the holding blind on the short retired guns, then went deep establishing a hunt to the right of the long retired blind. He worked his way up to the right flyer fall area and brought back that bird.

Short retired - He went way off line and had to be handled to the bird.

Long retired - Picked up.

54. Rerun/Pick Up – FC Good Idea's Punt With a North Wind, "Punt" BLF, Al Arthur

Punt came to the line at 12:15 pm.

Left flyer - Nice job.

Right flyer - Punt came out wide left and came around from the back and got it.

Long retired - She went far wide and was handled back to the bird.

Short retired - She had to be handled, so the guns were asked to come out. Picked up.


58. Done Deal QA2, "DunDee" BLF, Cindy Huff

DunDee came to the line at 12:05 pm.

Left flyer - Perfect!

Short retired - DunDee took a great line to the bird and yielded positive results.

Right flyer - She had a good line but started a hunt pattern deep. She made a couple of swings before moving to the bird.

Long retired - Initial line took her through the trees by the hay bale, but she overran the area and got deep. She worked it out and returned with the bird.


57. Pick Up – FC-AFC Truline’s Big Bad Jack, "Jack" BLM, John Henninger

Jack came to the line at 11:35 am.

Left flyer - He stayed in the area and got his bird.

Right flyer - Heeled to the right, he took off and ran a beautiful line through the trees and right to the bird.

Long retired - Heeled to the right, Jack was launched, and his line took him behind the short retired guns. He drove the hill and hunted behind the long retired gunners. After a couple of loops, he moved over to hunt up his bird.

Short retired - He headed out deep and wide and was handled. Picked up.


52. Rerun – FC-AFC Hyflyer’s Life In The Fast Line, "Crash" BLM, Wayne Curtis

Left flyer - Crash came in to the area in front of the guns. He made a quick hunt up the hill and got his bird.

Short retired - He came in from the right on the high side of the hill, looped down, and went straight to his bird.

Long retired - He made a line out to the left of the trees with the hay bale, then into the field with the bird. He went back right to the blind and worked left out to his bird.

Right flyer - Went wide left, then deep before turning back in. He extended the area hunt and got the bird.

56. Handle – FC-AFC BD North Shore's Instant Rain Gear QA2, "Poncho" BLM, Malcolm Haith

Left flyer - Straight to the fall area, and then Poncho got this bird.

Right flyer - He drove out to the area in front of the guns and his bird.

Short retired - Poncho drove out to the correct side. Went under the arc for a quick turn, and then quickly back for his bird.

Long retired - He had a good initial line but ended up just right of the tree with the short retired gun. He was handled and then worked it out.

55. Handle – FC-AFC Kirkwood's Ace Of A Higher Grade, "Deacon" BLM, Casey Adams

Deacon came to the line at 11:18 am.

Left flyer - Deacon stepped on it!

Short retired - A little hang up in the draw before the gun stations. He made a couple of passes and then moved to the bird.

Right flyer - Very good mark.

Long retired - Deacon came into the area wide left and drove deep. Casey put a quick handle on Deacon to put him on the bird.


54. No Bird – FC Good Idea's Punt With a North Wind, "Punt" BLF, Al Arthur

Punt came to the line at 11:15 and did not get a bird.

Conditions Update from 11:30 am

The temperatures are more tolerable today. The downside to the warmer morning is a warmer afternoon. Highs are expected to be in the 70s with bright sun. The breeze is picking up but has not make work any easier. The shadows that covered the field this morning have long since receded with the rising sun. The conditioning many of these dogs have had help to sustain them in difficult conditions, but it's always important to watch your dog and be mindful of the environment and age.

53. FC Meadow Woods Whispering Willow, "Willow" YLF, Danny Farmer

Willow came to the line at 11:08 am.

Left flyer - Willow went straight to the bird.

Short retired - She went around the blind, turned right and went straight to her bird.

Right flyer - Excellent mark.

Long retired - Good job.

52. No Bird – FC-AFC Hyflyer’s Life In The Fast Line, "Crash" BLM, Wayne Curtis

Crash came to the line at 11:06 am but did not get a bird.

51. FC-AFC Holland Cliffs Play It Again, "Luke" BLM, Alvin Hatcher

Luke came to the line at 10:53 am.

Left flyer - Luke hunted around the gunners, then came up with the bird.

Short retired - He arrived at the fall area in a great spot to make a small pass to the bird.

Right flyer - Out to the area, he turned right in front of the gunners. He looked at both sides of the gunners but located his bird.

Long retired - Hi approach to the fall area took him left of the grove trees and the gunners. He made a pass around the gunners and got his bird.

Conditions Update @ 11:04 am

It's now 67 degrees and sunny. The wind picked up to 7-10 mph. The test is all downwind from the line.

43. Rerun/Handle – AFC Tucquan's Beauty Behind The Madness, "Bella" BLF, Hunter Street

Bella came to the line at 10:43 am.

Left flyer - Bella worked the area in front of the guns, then went uphill to a long bird. Nice.

Short retired - She cut through the trees into the field with the bird. She hunted just right of the fall area, but quickly turned downhill to her bird

Right flyer - Went wide going out but scooped it up quickly.

Long retired - Went deep then started running right. Hunter worked hard and got her back over to the bird.

50. FC-AFC Blackwater Dexter, "Dexter" BLM, Clint Avant

Dexter came to the line at 10:33 am.

Left flyer - Very good mark.

Right flyer - Right to the bird like it was calling his name.

Short retired - Dexter went around the retired guns and was on the bird.

Long retired - He made a short hunt of both sides of the retired guns and got his bird.

45. Rerun – FC TruLine's Just Floyd, "Floyd" YLM, Amie Henninger

Floyd came to the line at 10:25 am.

Left flyer - Stepped on it!

Short retired - Floyd came out wide right towards the tree behind the flyer guns. He stopped and quickly turned left. He came down to the fall area and the bird.

Long retired - He came out right of the tree with the hay bale to the blind. He went deep of the blind but turned back left and out to the bird.

Right flyer - Straight toward the guns. Angled into the field for a beautiful mark. 

44. Rerun – FC-AFC Tucked Away At River's Edge, "Tucker" BLM, Alex Abraham

Tucker came to the line at 10:13 am.

Left flyer - Nice job. The bird landed a little different, but it didn't fool Tucker!

Right flyer - He made a quick loop, and he had the bird.

Short retired - Good recovery of the his bird.

Long retired - Very nice.

49. FC-AFC Watermark's Hurricane Hannah, "Hannah", BLF, Paul Panichi

Hannah came to the line at 10:03 am.

Left flyer - Straight to the area in front of the guns to start her hunt. One loop deep, then back to the fall area for her bird.

Right flyer - Hannah hunted her way to the area deep of the gunners. She worked the area and then her way back with the bird.

Long retired - She hunted the area hard and came up with her bird.

Short retired - Straight to the fall area and the bird.

47. Handle – FC-AFC Whitewater Shaq N Bams Bouncin Pita MH, "Bounce" BLF, Cindie Little

Bounce came to the line at 9:51 am.

Left flyer - Bounce had a little hunt but located her bird.

Right flyer - She made a tight hunt in the area of the fall and got her bird.

Long retired - She entered the field wide left. Cindie handled Bounce to the bird.

Short retired - She was out of sight for an extended period but came back with her bird.

43. No Bird – AFC Tucquan's Beauty Behind The Madness, "Bella" BLF, Hunter Street

Bella came to the line at 9:48 am.

She did not get a bird.

46. Handle – FC Browns Lake Retro Dash For Stardom, "Cooper" BLM, Greg Bartlett

Left flyer - Cooper went out to the area in front of the guns and scooped it up in one tight turn.

Right flyer - He went through the area in front of the short retired guns, then looped behind the flyer guns and out to the bird.

Long retired - Angled the field to the right of the trees with the hay bale. Then, straight to the fall area for his bird.

Short retired - He started to drive deep of the bird. A quick whistle brought him back.

45. No Bird – FC TruLine's Just Floyd, "Floyd" YLM, Amie Henninger

Annie did not get a bird.

44. No Bird - FC-AFC Tucked Away At River's Edge, "Tucker" BLM, Alex Abraham

Tucker did not get a bird.

42. FC Jimaviche's Hollandaise Jammer, "Jammer" BLM, Kenny Trott

Jammer came to the line at 9:16 am.

Left flyer - Jammer went up the hill in front of the gunners and straight to the fall area for his bird.

Right flyer - Out to the mowed path in front of the guns. Then went deep for a loop. Into the cover for his bird.

Short retired - He took his line left of the first tree, then cut right straight to the bird.

Long retired - He established a tight hunt in front of the blind, then moved deep. He came back quickly with the bird.

Conditions Update @ 9:10 AM

The field is free of shadows as the sun begins to clear the tree line. The wind has shifted slightly, but it's a cold breeze today – a light but steady wind.

34. Rerun/Handle – Flexman O'War QA2, "Coal" BLM, Hunter Street

Coal came to the line again at 9:05 am.

Left flyer - Coal has his bird.

Short retired - He made a couple of loops short and behind the gunners. He moved his hunt up to include the area of the fall and got it.

Long retired - He went deep and wide of the bird. Had to be handled.

Right flyer - Directly to his bird.

41. FC Rain's Bases Loaded, Grand Slam, "Slam" BLM, Jim Beck

Slam came to the line at 8:55 am.

Left flyer - Slam went right to the fall area and his bird.

Right flyer - He drove out through the short retired area to establish a hunt. Got it.

Long retired - Just right of the trees with the hay bale. One turn and he continued on to the blind. He hunted deep right then tight to the blind. He moved left to the fall area and his bird.

Short retired - Went out to the blind on the left. Turned and went straight to the bird.

40. FC-AFC Little Miss Freya, "Freya" BLF, James Roberts

Freya came to the line at 8:47 am.

Left flyer - Freya went wide and right of the guns. She moved up hill to the fall area and got her bird.

Short retired - She went through the cover downhill, then into the fall area and straight to her bird.

Long retired - Just left of the trees with the hay bale. Angled left towards the area of the fall. Went into the cover and got it.

Right flyer - She came in front of the gunners. Her first pass was short of the fall area. She extended her hunt and got it.

37. FC Freeline Pogie, "Pogie" BLM, Ty Rorem

Pogie came to the line at 8:35 am.

Left flyer - Pogie went out to the fall area in front of the guns. He established a tight hunt until he got it.

Short retired - He came in on the correct side of the blind and went straight to the fall area for the bird

Long retired - Down through the gap in the trees with the hay bale. Out to the area left of the well-brushed blind. He made a tight hunt in the fall area and got it.

Right flyer - He ran straight to the mowed path by the gunners. Then he entered the cover and came out with his bird.

36. Pick Up – 3R's Mister T's Tommy, "Tommy" BLM, Dave Smith

Tommy came to the line at 8:29 am.

Left flyer - Nice mark!

Handler sent for the retired guns. Handled and pick up.

35. FC-AFC Seaside's Gorgeous George, "Clooney" BLM, Jason Baker

Left flyer - Clooney went across the field and up to the fall area. He started a hunt, went wide left, then behind the guns. He had an extended hunt and got it.

Short retired - He came in left of the blind, rounded the end, and went out to the fall area for his bird.

Long retired - Straight to the mark.

Right flyer - Drilled it!

34. No Bird – Flexman O'War QA2, "Coal" BLM, Hunter Street

Coal came to the line at 8:12 am and didn't get a bird.

33. FC Heartbeat's Sweet Georgia Peach, "Peaches" BLF, Andrew Curtis

Peaches came to the line at 8:03 am.

Left flyer - Peaches was launched from the right. She climbed to the area of the fall and got her bird.

Short retired - Right out to the bird. Great job.

Long retired - Wagging her tail and anxious to be released, Peaches was launched from the left. She knew right where she was going and made a quick recovery. 

Right flyer - She got to the area, but established a hunt short of the blind. She quickly worked her way over to the proper area and got her bird.

24. Rerun – FC Ellsd's Going On A Trip Grab Ur Camo, "Camo" YLM, Jim Beck

Camo came to the line again at 7:52 am.

Left flyer - Came went straight out to the fall area and made a short turn in front of the guns. He moved deep, then made a quick turn back. He looped the gunners, then went back out for a long pheasant hen.

Short retired - He came in to the fall area and made one loop to get his bird.

Right flyer - Across the field and straight to the fall area. Nice.

Long retired - He took a line wide left. Turned back right at the hay bale. Went out to the holding blind area, then out to his bird.

32. FC West Bay's Jolly Roger, "Jack" BLM, Tony Flowers

Jack came to the line at 7:45 am.

Left flyer - Jack made a nice recovery of his bird

Short retired - He made a good line to the fall area and got his bird.

Long retired - A positive mark. Out to the area, made a couple of controlled loops, and his bin pointed the bird.

Right flyer - Up the hill, across the road, and to the bird. Life is good.

28. Pick Up – FC-AFC Doctor Cabernet Just In Case, "Doc" BLM, Al Arthur

Doc came to the line at 7:37 am.

Left flyer - He went out to the fall area, then hunted deep right of the gunners. He hunted between the flyer guns and the long retired blind and was way out of the area. He was picked up.

27. Pick Up – AFC Rebel Ridge Walk On The Wildside, "Candy" BLF, Jeff Lyons

Candy came to the line at 7:30 am.

Left flyer - Candy had a good start on the line. She hunted deep and right of the gunners. She expanded her hunt to the fall area. The hunt pattern extended below the gunners. She was handled and picked up.

26. FC-AFC Seaside's Smarty Jones, "Smarty" BLF, Kenny Trott

Smarty came to the line at 7:22 am.

Left flyer - Smarty went through the cover, up the hill, and straight to the fall area for her bird.

Short retired - She went out left of the blind, then made a quick turn to the right and got into the fall area. She hunted left and right, then got her bird.

Long retired - Down the hill and through the two trees with the hay bale. A quick there and then deep to the blind. She circled and ran to the fall area and her bird.

Right flyer - She came in wide right, established a hunt in the fall area, and got it.

25. Beaver Runs Raymond For Sheriff QA2, "Raymond" BLM, Andrew Curtis

Raymond came to the line at 7:12 am.

Left flyer - Raymond heeled to the right. Guns fired, and he's off. He made a few loops and he got his bird.

Right flyer - He went up the hill and across the mowed strip, then turned to the bird.

Short retired - He got his bird.

Long retired - Nice line to the bird.

24. No Bird - FC Ellsd's Going On A Trip Grab Ur Camo, "Camo" YLM, Jim Beck

Camo came to the line at 7:09 am.

He did not get a bird.

Day 2 of Fifth Series – Test Dog

This morning's test dog is Another Cup Of Jo, "JoJo," handler Kathy Scott. She came to the line at 6:52 am. 

Left flyer - JoJo angled across the field and through the cover. She hunted the hill in front of the guns, made one loop around and got it.

Right flyer - She went out to the fall area, then established a hunt on worked it out.

Long retired - She went left of the the short retired station and started a hunt. Then she headed deep right and had to have the guns help. Pick up.

Day Two – Fifth Series – Land Quad

Test Five is a Land Quad in Palmetto Field with two flyers and two retired birds. The mat faces north and looks over a rolling field covered in broom sage.

The first bird is a live duck flyer (Right Flyer) 300 yards from the line on the handler's front right. The bird is shot left to right to land in the broom sage. The line to this bird takes the dog straight out from the line toward the gunners and angling right across a mowed strip into cover.

The second bird is a Short Retired dead hen pheasant. The gunners are in front of the mat 250 yards from the line. Their holding blind is by a small tree and their bird is thrown left to right, aimed toward the gunners at the right flyer.

The third bird, the Long Retired, is a dead hen pheasant thrown left and lands visually behind a hay bale. However, it's actually deep of the bale landing in heavy broom straw 305 yards out. These gunners are retired in a group of trees, deep and slightly left of the short retired gunners.

The last bird is a hen pheasant Flyer shot to the left. These gunners are on the handler's left, 260 yards from the line, sitting on the side of a hill. They shoot up the hill away from the mat.

Fifth Series – Land Quad

First Bird – Drake Mallard Flyer – 300 yards

Second Bird – Hen Pheasant Short Retired – 250 yards

Third Bird – Hen Pheasant Long Retired – 305 yards
Fourth Bird – Hen Pheasant Flyer – 260 yards

Fifth Series Sketch by Jean Wu

Day 5 of NRC Morning Weather Conditions

Good morning from Cheraw, South Carolina where it's 43 degrees at 6:30 am, and partly cloudy with no wind. It's going to be another warm one today -- highs are expected to be in the mid to upper 70s. Stay cool everyone!