Monday, November 15, 2021
Fourth Series Concluded For Today at 5:10 PM - Recap
2. NFC-FC-AFC I'm Ur Search Engine, "Google" BLM, Alan Pleasant
1. FC-AFC Rimfires Once Inna Blue Moon, "Blue" BLM, Al Arthur
94. Quackaddict's Heavy Hitter, “Blitz” BLM, Hunter Street
92. FC AFC Tall Oaks Rags To Rufus, “Rufus” BLM, Phil Heye
91. FC AFC Bayou-Star All Jazzed Up, “Ella” BLF, Suzan Caire
90. Marshwind's Oskar, "Oskar" BLM, Bente Kongsore
88. FC-AFC Tippecanoe's Sheamus, "Amos" BLM, George Wamsley
87. FC Working's The New Girl Is A Hit, "Zooey" BLF, Luann Pleasant
85. FC Hilltop's High Society Lady Ga Ga, "Lady" YLF, Danny Farmer
84. FC-AFC Straight To The Heart-Dagger, "Dagger" BLM, Johnny Armstrong
83. FC-AFC Doc's Mesa Boogie, "Mesa" BLF, William Smith
81. FC-AFC 3R'S Mr T Smoken Joe, "Smokie" BLM, Ty Rorem
80. FC-AFC Silver Star's Watch'em Like A Hawk, "Hawk" BLM, Craig Crook
78. FC Sliders Close Call At The Plate, "Safe" BLM, Al Arthur
77. FC-AFC Adeline Rules The Roost, "Addie" BLF, Monte French
76. FC-AFC Flawless Execution – FLEX, "Flex" BLM, Johnny Armstrong
74. FC-AFC Contrails Sky Queen, "Reina" BLF, Alan Pleasant
73. FC-AFC Midnight Trains Texas Ranger, "Deets" BLM, Chris Ledford
72. FC Carl With A K, "Karl" BLM, Rick Stawski
71. FC Kid's Aslan, "Prophet" BLM, Amie Henninger
70. FC-AFC Bayou-Star Royal Baby, "Brit" BLF, John Caire
69. FC Sweetie's Little Dash-A-Rue QA2, "Dash" BLF, Alex Drent
68. AFC Razor's Buckshot, "Shooter" BLM, Ty Rorem
67. FC-AFC Waluke Stryder, "Stryder" BLM, Freeman Boyett
66. FC-AFC Wood River's Perfect Pass, "Lonzo" BLM, John Henninger
65. FC Freeridin Rikki Tikki Tavi, "Tavi" BLF, Kenny Trott
64. FC Fine Lines Sympathy For The Devil, "Jagger" BLM, Rick Stawski
63. FC-AFC Bedazzled II, "Be" BLF, Yvonne Hays
61. FC Trumarc's Gratuity, "Tippy" BLF, Danny Farmer
60. Indigo Rev It Up At Shoreline, "Rex" BLM, Edward Forry
59. FC Tucquan's Takin' The Rysk, "Rysk" BLM, Alan Pleasant
58. Done Deal QA2, "DunDee" BLF, Cindy Huff
57. FC-AFC Truline’s Big Bad Jack, "Jack" BLM, John Henninger
56. FC-AFC BD North Shore's Instant Rain Gear QA2, "Poncho" BLM, Malcolm Haith
55. FC-AFC Kirkwood's Ace Of A Higher Grade, "Deacon" BLM, Casey Adams
54. FC Good Idea's Punt With a North Wind, "Punt" BLF, Al Arthur
53. FC Meadow Woods Whispering Willow, "Willow" YLF, Danny Farmer
52. FC-AFC Hyflyer’s Life In The Fast Line, "Crash" BLM, Wayne Curtis
Test Dog - Fourth Series
The test dog for the Fourth Series is Full Choke Winchester, "Chester," handler Deborah Gardner. He came to the line at 2:42 pm.
Fourth Series – Water Blind
Test Four – Water Blind |
Fourth Series Sketch by Jean Wu |
2021 Hall of Fame Inductee Announcement
Callbacks to the Fourth Series
Day 2 of Third Series Final Recap
Third Series In the Books @ 1:53 PM
The Third Series has concluded at 1:53 pm. Stay tuned for a recap and the callbacks.
28. FC-AFC Doctor Cabernet Just In Case, "Doc" BLM, Al Arthur
27. AFC Rebel Ridge Walk On The Wildside, "Candy" BLF, Jeff Lyons
26. FC-AFC Seaside's Smarty Jones, "Smarty" BLF, Kenny Trott
25. Beaver Runs Raymond For Sheriff QA2, "Raymond" BLM, Andrew Curtis
24. FC Ellsd's Going On A Trip Grab Ur Camo, "Camo" YLM, Jim Beck
23. FC Yippee Kai Yea McBunn, "Kai" BLF, Dave Smith
22. FC-AFC Holland Cliffs Blade A Fine Line, "Dozer" BLM, Alvin Hatcher
21. FC Bayside’s Blue Sky’s the Limit, "Sky" BLM, Ty Rorem
19. FC-AFC-CAFC Baypoints Thousand Fathom Edge, "Ouuks" BLM, Kylie VandeBrake
18. Handle - FC Taylorlabs Hot Cinnamon Buns, "Hottie" YLF, Lynn Troy
17. FC H Ford 11, "Deuce" BLM, Alex Drent
16. FC-AFC Hockley Creek's Switch Hitter, "Mickey” BLM, Robby Bickley
15. FC Troublesome Ribeye Medium Rare, "Pink" BLF, Chris Ledford
Important Announcement
It has been announced that the folks in the gallery need to move their cars before the next series can begin. Please follow the driving directions from those directing traffic. NO callbacks will be announced until all cars are moved.
14. FC Watermark’s Coal-Fired Folsom Train, "Cash" BLM, Greg Bartlett
13. Bullet's Ordained Devil Dodger, "Deacon" BLM, Trent Goree
12. Contrails Queen Maxima, "Maxie" BLF, Alan Pleasant
11. NAFC-FC-AFC Bristol's North Slope Ptarmigan, "Ptar" BLM, Doreen Comrie-Bristol
10. FC That's Our Gem, "Gem" BLF, Craig Crook
9. FC-AFC Beaver Runs Zig Zag Zeke, "Zeke" BLM, Andrew Curtis
3. Rerun - FC-AFC Mudslinger's Amazing Vision, "T Bone" YLM, Clint Avant
8. FC-AFC Abby's Physician Of Antioch, "Luke" BLM, Dan Hurst
7. FC MCS Henry, "Henry" YLM, Danny Farmer
6. FC Holland Cliffs Red Label, "Ruger" BLM, Alan Pleasant
5. FC-AFC Drake's Bay Izzy, "Izzy" BLF, Dave Smith
PRTA Land Grant Announcement
The PRTA is very pleased to announce that the following clubs received a land grant for 2021:
Sagehens Retriever Club
Stampede City Retriever Club
West Nebraska Retriever Club
Lincoln Trail Retriever Club
Central Minnesota Retriever Club
Congratulations to all the recipients!!
4. Handle - FC-AFC Chopper's Final Approach, "Billie" BLF, Kenny Trott
3. No Bird - FC-AFC Mudslinger's Amazing Vision, "T Bone" YLM, Clint Avant
2. NFC-FC-AFC I'm Ur Search Engine, "Google" BLM, Alan Pleasant
1. FC-AFC Rimfires Once Inna Blue Moon, "Blue" BLM, Al Arthur
94. Quackaddict's Heavy Hitter, “Blitz” BLM, Hunter Street
93. Handle - FC Troublesome Canadian Huntress, “Eva” BLF, Brady Collins
92. FC AFC Tall Oaks Rags To Rufus, “Rufus” BLM, Phil Heye
Conditions Update @ 9:11 AM
91. FC AFC Bayou-Star All Jazzed Up, “Ella” BLF, Suzan Caire
90. Marshwind's Oskar, "Oskar" BLM, Bente Kongsore
88. FC-AFC Tippecanoe's Sheamus, "Amos" BLM, George Wamsley
87. Handle - FC Working's The New Girl Is A Hit, "Zooey" BLF, Luann Pleasant
89. Handle - FC-AFC Bayou Teche Paint The Black, "Madduxx" BLM, Craig Crook
86. Handle - FC-AFC CK'S Topend Starwars, "Luke" BLM, Hunter Street
85. FC Hilltop's High Society Lady Ga Ga, "Lady" YLF, Danny Farmer
84. FC-AFC Straight To The Heart-Dagger, "Dagger" BLM, Johnny Armstrong
83. FC-AFC Doc's Mesa Boogie, "Mesa" BLF, William Smith
82. Handle - FC Seaside's Where Dreams Come True, "Mickey" BLM, Andrew Curtis
81. FC-AFC 3R'S Mr T Smoken Joe, "Smokie" BLM, Ty Rorem
80. FC-AFC Silver Star's Watch'em Like A Hawk, "Hawk" BLM, Scott Leonescu
Flyer - The flyer landed just left of the road. Hawk ran the road up past the guns. He made a quick loop to the right of the road, then quickly crossed the road to his bird.
Short retired - He swam the pond, went through the cover, and stepped on his bird.
Right retired - He angled far down the hill towards the end of the pond, then went out for a loop deep by the trees. He went up to the blind and out to his bird.
79. Handle - FC-AFC Fattoria's Huckleberry Gin, "Huck" YLM, Jay Seymour
Day 2 of Third Series Test Dog
Day Three - Third Series Continued - Test Description
Good morning on day three of NRC 202! from Mallard Pond at H. Cooper Black Memorial Field. We'll continue the Third Series right after the test dog runs.