Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Fifth Series – Day One – Recap

We began the Fifth Series at 10:42 am at Palmetto Field with dog #76, Flex. It was another beautiful, sunny day but proved to be a bit too warm for the dogs. There were also seven no-birds, which made it hard to come up with an average run time. However, it seemed to be somewhere between 10-15 minutes per dog. We also had eight handles, one double-handle, and seven pick ups. The day ended at 4:48 pm. right after dog #23, Kai ran. 

We'll resume the series tomorrow morning at 7 am with dog #24, Camo, right after the test dog has at it at 6:45 am. Have a wonderful evening, and we'll see you tomorrow at Palmetto Field!

Observation on Fifth Series

This Land Quad with two live birds and two retired guns will surely get the answers the judges are looking for. The right two birds, number one and number two thrown, are very tight and if the wind changes again the dogs will scent the short-retired bird on the way to the right flyer. 
Mechanically, having a live-shot hen pheasant thrown last will present many no-birds due to the erratic flight they take. It is likely some handlers will select outside, outside, then the middle two birds in order of retrieve, and some will want the short-retired out of the way before sending for the right flyer. Technically, this is a difficult test due to the use of hen pheasants and the tightness of the middle three marks.

The temperature has risen, so dogs will be getting hot and scenting conditions may decline with the heat.  Dog safety has been dealt with by having a bucket of water with ice in it available as they leave the line.
The test is running smoothly, and the judges seem pleased with it. Re-birds and gun changes have gone quickly, but it is going to take 11 to 12 hours to finish the series.

Fifth Series – Day One – Concluded for the Day @ 4:48 pm

The Fifth Series has been concluded for the day at 4:48 pm. We will resume tomorrow morning with our test dog at 6:45 am and the first running dog will be #24.

23. FC Yippee Kai Yea McBunn, "Kai" BLF, Dave Smith

Kai came to the line at 4:40 pm.

Left flyer - Kai went out to the fall area and her bird.

Short retired - She went in on it and got it.

Long retired - She drove on a good line to the fall area. Got it quick.

Right flyer - She got to the fall area and hunted. Found it.

Workers' Party Tonight!


The National Retriever Club is happy to invite everyone
to a Workers' Party at the conclusion of today's testing.

We hope to see you all at the Workers' Party Tonight!

When: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 6:00 PM (at conclusion of today's testing)

Location: By the Clubhouse, H. Cooper Black – Field Trial Test Grounds

22. Pick Up - FC-AFC Holland Cliffs Blade A Fine Line, "Dozer" BLM, Alvin Hatcher

Dozer came to the line at 4:28 pm.

Left flyer - Heeling Dozer on the left, Alvin called for the birds. Good job.

Right flyer - Heeled on his right, Dozer is released. He headed toward the back side of the retired gun. He ran the ridge around the test and end up with the duck.

Long retired - He went up the slot, made a few loops, and was on the bird.

Short retired - Pick up.

19. Handle - FC-AFC-CAFC Baypoints Thousand Fathom Edge, "Ouuks" BLM, Kylie VandeBrake

Ouuks came to the line at 4:15 pm.

Left flyer - Good job.

Long retired - Ouuks went out behind the blind with a few turn deep. He worked his way out in front of the guns to the bird.

Right flyer - Straight to the bird.

Short retired - He was going deep and had to work hard to handle him back to the bird. However, he still got it.

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18. FC Taylorlabs Hot Cinnamon Buns, "Hottie" YLF, Lynn Troy

Hottie came to the line at 4:09 pm.

Left flyer - Good mark.

Short retired - Hottie was launched and started short and behind bird. Her hunt expanded very deep. She made a couple of loops to include a couple of passes in the area, but moved over to the flyer. The handler turned to the judges and asked to be excused.

17. Pick Up - FC H Ford 11, "Deuce" BLM, Alex Drent

Deuce came to the line at 3:58 pm.

Left flyer - Smack!

Right flyer - Deuce angled right of the short retired and left of the right flyer. He worked the area deep of the flyer, came in and got it.

Short retired - He went to the blind of the long retired, got deep and headed for the right flyer. He was handled to the bird.

Long retired - Pick up.

16. FC-AFC Hockley Creek's Switch Hitter, "Mickey” BLM, Robby Bickley

Left flyer - Nice line and on the bird.

Short retired - Mickey's line took him deep and left of the retired guns. He made a loop and corrected himself on the side to go right in on the bird.

Right flyer - A positive line to the area. He made a right turn, and he got it.

Long retired -Very good mark. 

15. PIck Up - FC Troublesome Ribeye Medium Rare, "Pink" BLF, Chris Ledford

Pink came to the line at 3:33 pm.

Left flyer - She got it clean.

Short retired - Pink went out to the left of the right flyer. She hunted left and deep. Worked her way back to her bird.

Right flyer - Nice line to the bird.

Long retired -She got to the blind, circled a few times, then left the area. She was picked up.

14. Handle - FC Watermark’s Coal-Fired Folsom Train, "Cash" BLM, Greg Bartlett

Cash came to the line at 3:25 pm.

Left flyer - Cash went to the area in front of the guns and worked his way out to the bird.

Right flyer - He ran between the short and long retired on his way out to the long one. He hooked around back and started a hunt but missed. Eventually he got his bird.

Long retired - He went back out deep left to the bird.

Short retired - He blew past the area behind the right flyer and was handled back to the bird.

12. Contrails Queen Maxima, "Maxie" BLF, Alan Pleasant

Maxie came to the line at 3:15 pm.

Left flyer - Big long bird...Smacked it.

Short retired - She went for the long retired, broke down a hunt, got over to the short retired and picked it up.

Right flyer - Maxie went directly to her bird.

Long retired - She quickly picked it up.

9. FC-AFC Beaver Runs Zig Zag Zeke, "Zeke" BLM, Andrew Curtis

Zeke came to the line at 2:56 pm.

Left flyer - Heeled on the right, Zeke watched the birds go down. He took a few looks and he had the bird.

Right flyer - Heeled on the left, he was sent for the flyer. Great job.

Long retired - He was off and running and came back with the groceries. 

Short retired - A loop and a scoop!

11. NAFC-FC-AFC Bristol's North Slope Ptarmigan, "Ptar" BLM, Doreen Comrie-Bristol

Ptar came to the line at 3:07 pm.

Left flyer - Straight to it.

Short retired - Ptar went down the back side of the blind, rounded the end, and turned to the right to the bird.

Long retired - He came in left of the blind, then went back and forth a bit before going out to his bird. Nice.

Right flyer - Stepped on it.

8. FC-AFC Abby's Physician Of Antioch, "Luke" BLM, Dan Hurst

Luke came to the line at 2:47 pm.

Right flyer - Luke had a hunt wide ride but got it.

Left flyer - Nice line to the bird.

Short retired - He came in on the left side of the trees, then turned around at the end and was out to his bird.

Long retired - He went right of the blind, turned left out into the field, and got his bird.

7. Pick Up - FC MCS Henry, "Henry" YLM, Danny Farmer

Left flyer - Nice mark.

Right flyer - Henry made a good line to the area. He made three loops in his hunt and had the bird.

Long retired - Launched and out to the area, he went behind the trees holding the short retired. He bent right, then left, and worked to his bird.

Short retired - He headed for the short retired but leaned right and found himself headed in the direction of the flyer. He was handled, and it was requested that the throwers step out.

6. Pick Up - FC Holland Cliffs Red Label, "Ruger" BLM, Alan Pleasant

Ruger came to the line at 2:15 pm.

Left flyer - Ruger hunted for the flyer but got it.

Short retired - He hunted the area between the long and short retired. He got this one.

Long retired - He made a wide left going away from the mark and was picked up.

5. FC-AFC Drake's Bay Izzy, "Izzy" BLF, Dave Smith

Izzy came to the line at 2:07 pm.

Left flyer - Izzy heeled on the right side, she watched all the birds go down. Once released she quickly recovered her flyer. 

Short retired - She made a couple of loops short of the bird, then worked her way back to the bird.

Long retired - Heeled to the left, she was sent for the pheasant. She made a nice line to the area. She bent right for a pass but came back to the area and her bird.

Right flyer - Back on the right side, she was sent for her flyer. Up the hill for a nice mark!

83. 2nd Rerun - FC-AFC Doc's Mesa Boogie, "Mesa" BLF, William Smith

Mesa came to the line for the third time at 1:54 pm.

Left flyer - Mesa went out to the fall area and made a quick retrieve.

Right flyer - She came in wide left. Moved over into the broom grass, had an extended hunt, then got it.

Long retired - Very nice line and mark!

Short retired - She came in from the left and went straight to it.

4. FC-AFC Chopper's Final Approach, "Billie" BLF, Kenny Trott

Billie came to the line at 1:44 pm.

Left flyer - Very good bird.

Short retired - Billie's line took her behind the trees holding the retired guns. As soon as she was clear of them, she turned right, made a few controlled loops, and had her bird.

Long retired - She headed for the area but broke right for a couple passes. She came back around to the front of the trees and worked it out.

Right flyer - Nice line to the area. She took a few loops to locate the bird but stayed in a methodical hunt pattern. 

3. Handle - FC-AFC Mudslinger's Amazing Vision, "T Bone" YLM, Clint Avant

T Bone came to the line at 1:30 pm.

Left flyer - T Bone had a hunt but was in front of the guns and got it.

Short retired - He went out wide left, worked over to the blind, and then on out to his bird.

Right flyer - He went straight to the fall area and his bird.

Long retired - He stopped short at the wrong tree and then went behind the blind. He had to be handled.

91. Rerun - FC AFC Bayou-Star All Jazzed Up, “Ella” BLF, Suzan Caire

Ella came to the line for the second time at 1:21 pm.

Left flyer - Ella quickly recovered her flyer.

Short retired - Out to the area of the fall, she ran near the trees that hold the retired guns. She turned into the field with the bird and hunted it up.

Long retired - Nice line out to her bird. She did a couple quick turns and got it.

Right flyer - She came in between the grove of trees and gunners. She bent right and zeroed in on the bird.

2. NFC-FC-AFC I'm Ur Search Engine, "Google" BLM, Alan Pleasant

Google came to the line at 1:13 pm.

Left flyer - Google ran out to the area of the fall, made a few turns both left and right, then got it.

Short retired - He went past the blind and circled next to the set of trees. He went back to the blind, then deeper right to his bird.

Long retired - He circled the tree deep then wide right. Then he worked back to the left side and his bird.

Right flyer - He came in under the arc and worked his way to the bird.

1. FC-AFC Rimfires Once Inna Blue Moon, "Blue" BLM, Al Arthur

Blue came to the line at 1:06 pm.

Left flyer - Well done. Straight to his flyer.

Short retired - Blue ran wide right and deep and missed the bird but came back down to locate it.

Long retired - Nice mark on the retired gun.

Right flyer - Up the hill with a good recovery of his bird.

76. Handle/2nd Rerun - FC-AFC Flawless Execution – FLEX, "Flex" BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Flex came to the line for the third time at 12:55 pm.

Left flyer - Flex just missed on the first pass. He made a loop and came right back to it.

Long retired - He split the difference between short and long retired. Went deep of both. Worked it out.

Right flyer - Into the fall area and hunted it up.

Short retired - He went wide to the right. A quick handle brought him back to the bird.

94. Pick Up - Quackaddict's Heavy Hitter, “Blitz” BLM, Hunter Street

Blitz came to the line at 12:45 pm.

Left flyer - Hunter came to the line and put Blitz on his right. Blitz was launched and arrived at the area of the fall and executed a hunt pattern that stayed within the area to find his bird.

Short retired - Blitz came into the area from behind the retired guns. He identified an area but began to climb toward the flyer. He was handled to short retired.

Long retired - Heeled to his left side, he was sent for the bird. His hunt pattern was fairly wide and drifted uncomfortably close to the short retired area. He was handled.

The handler asked for the retired guns to step out. Blitz was picked up.

92. Handle - FC AFC Tall Oaks Rags To Rufus, “Rufus” BLM, Phil Heye

Rufus came to the line at 12:34 pm.

Left flyer - Rufus went out to the guns, cut in front, and quickly worked out to this bird.

Right flyer - He went into the broom grass a bit short, then worked straight back to his bird.

Short retired - Rufus went by the blind to the next set of trees. He made a turn to the left, then came back to the right side and quickly got his bird.

Long retired - He went down the middle of the field, then took a right into the area of the short retired bird. He got a whistle and was handled back to the bird.

Rebird @ 12:29 PM

There was a rebird at 12:29 pm.

91. No Bird - FC AFC Bayou-Star All Jazzed Up, “Ella” BLF, Suzan Caire

Ella came to the line at 12:28 pm.

She did not get a bird.

84. FC-AFC Straight To The Heart-Dagger, "Dagger" BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Dagger came to the line at 12:17 pm.

Left flyer - Dagger grabbed his bird.

Short retired - He came around the trees holding the retired guns. He turned into the area of the fall and located his bird.

Long retired - With a loud launch, Dagger went on his way. He made a couple of passes on the hillside and found his pheasant.

Right flyer - He made a nice line that angled across the mowed strip and right to the bird.

90. Marshwind's Oskar, "Oskar" BLM, Bente Kongsore

Oskar came to the line at 12:08 pm.

Left flyer - Oskar hunted short and deep before moving out to the bird.

Right flyer - He went straight to the fall area and the bird.

Short retired - Drilled it.

Long retired - He ran to the blind and quickly worked it out.

83. Rerun/No Bird - FC-AFC Doc's Mesa Boogie, "Mesa" BLF, William Smith

Mesa came to the line for a second time at 12:05 pm.

She did not get her bird again.

81. Rerun - FC-AFC 3R'S Mr T Smoken Joe, "Smokie" BLM, Ty Rorem

Smokie came to the line at 11:55 am.

Left flyer - Very good mark. Smokie went right to it.

Right flyer - His path took him left of the grove of trees the gunners were sitting near. Then he made a couple of passes and Smokie had the bird.

Short retired - Nice line to the bird. Short controlled passes, and he had the bird.

Long retired - Ty took her time until Smokie locked in on the area of the retired gun. She launched him and he went straight to the are for the bird.

88. FC-AFC Tippecanoe's Sheamus, "Amos" BLM, George Wamsley

Amos came to the line at 11:43 am.

Left flyer - Amos went under the arc and worked left to the bird.

Short retired - He went straight to the fall area and then his bird.

Right flyer - He mowed a path all the way out, cut right then left into the cover. He made a few loops and got it.

Long retired - He went out wide right for a deep right turn. Then he moved back to the blind and hunted his way out to the bird.

87. FC Working's The New Girl Is A Hit, "Zooey" BLF, Luann Pleasant

Zooey came to the line at 11:34 am.

Left flyer - Zooey took a couple of loops in the area but got the bird.

Short retired - Very good recovery.

Long retired - She worked out the bird.

Right flyer - Zooey entered the area of the fall wide left. Her hunt pattern increased to the right. She crossed the mowed strip and went wide right. Then she worked her hunting patter to locate the bird. 

85. FC Hilltop's High Society Lady Ga Ga, "Lady" YLF, Danny Farmer

Lady came to the line at 11:25 am.

Left flyer - Lady went up the field under the arc. She hunted near the short retired, then worked her way to the bird.

Right flyer - She came in wide right, then made a tight hunt both left and right before she got her bird.

Short retired - She came in left of the blind, then turned right and went straight to her bird.

Long retired - She went out to the blind, turned left into the field, then worked her way to it.

76. Rerun/No Bird - FC-AFC Flawless Execution – FLEX, "Flex" BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Flex came to the line again at 11:21 am.

He did not get his flyer for the second time.

83. No Bird - FC-AFC Doc's Mesa Boogie, "Mesa" BLF, William Smith

Mesa came to the line at 11:17 am.

She did not get her bird.

81. No Bird - FC-AFC 3R'S Mr T Smoken Joe, "Smokie" BLM, Ty Rorem

Smokie came to the line at 11:51 am.

He did not get his flyer.

80. FC-AFC Silver Star's Watch'em Like A Hawk, "Hawk" BLM, Scott Leonescu

Hawk came to the line at 11:03 am.

Left flyer - Good mark on the flyer.

Right flyer - Hawk drove the hill, went left of the trees, angled across the mowed strip, and grabbed his bird.

Short retired - He headed towards the long retired station but took a right turn for a loop deep and left of short retired. Then his pattern moved more to the right to include the area of the fall. He narrowed it down and found the bird.

Long retired - He was launched for the long retired bird and stayed the course. A couple of turns and he got it.

78. Handle - FC Sliders Close Call At The Plate, "Safe" BLM, Al Arthur

Safe came to the line at 10:52 am. 

Left flyer - Safe came in under the arc and worked his way to the bird.

Short retired - He passed just right of the blind for one loop a bit deep, then quickly came back to his bird.

Long retired - He went deep, then was handled back to the bird.

Right flyer - Nice line. Got it.

77. FC-AFC Adeline Rules The Roost, "Addie" BLF, Monte French

Addie came to the line at 10:45 am.

Left flyer - Very good mark.

Right flyer - Addie drove the hill, angled the mowed strip, and got the duck.

Long retired - She went behind the short retired station for a significant hunt and came back with the bird.

Short retired - She was sent but returned after just a few feet. She was resent and did a good job locating her bird.

76. No Bird - FC-AFC Flawless Execution – FLEX, "Flex" BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Flex came to the line at 10:42 am.

He did not get his pheasant flyer.

Fifth Series Test Dogs

The first test dog was Another Cup Of Jo, "JoJo," handler Kathy Scott. She came to the line at 10:10 am.

Left flyer - JoJo drove the hill and went straight to the hen pheasant flyer.

Short retired - Good mark.

Long retired - She drove the hillside, had a tight hunt and was on the bird.

Right flyer - She went up the hill and angled across the mowed strip to the drake flyer.

The second test dog was Full Choke Winchester, "Chester," handler Deborah Gardner. He came to the line at 10:19 am.

Left flyer - Chester established a hunt under the arc that expanded deep and to the right of the gunners. He went back to the area of the fall and he got his bird.

Short retired - He went up the hill but stopped in a scent cone to hunt up the hen pheasant.

Long retired - He went far left and had a significant hunt. He had to be handled.

Right flyer - He was handled out of the area of the short retired gunner but got his bird.

Fifth Series - Land Quad

Test Five is a Land Quad in Palmetto Field with two flyers and two retired birds. The mat faces north and looks over a rolling field covered in broom sage.

The first bird is a live duck flyer (Right Flyer) 300 yards from the line on the handler's front right. The bird is shot left to right to land in the broom sage. The line to this bird takes the dog straight out from the line toward the gunners and angling right across a mowed strip into cover.

The second bird is a Short Retired dead hen pheasant. The gunners are in front of the mat 250 yards from the line. Their holding blind is by a small tree and their bird is thrown left to right, aimed toward the gunners at the right flyer.

The third bird, the Long Retired, is a dead hen pheasant thrown left and lands visually behind a hay bale. However, it's actually deep of the bale landing in heavy broom straw 305 yards out. These gunners are retired in a group of trees, deep and slightly left of the short retired gunners.

The last bird is a hen pheasant Flyer shot to the left. These gunners are on the handler's left, 260 yards from the line, sitting on the side of a hill. They shoot up the hill away from the mat.

Fifth Series – Land Quad

First bird – Drake Mallard Flyer – 300 yards

Second bird – Hen Pheasant Short Retired – 250 yards

Third Bird – Hen Pheasant Long Retired – 305 yards

Fourth Bird – Hen Pheasant Flyer – 260 yards

Fifth Series Sketch – by Jean Wu

Callbacks to the Fifth Series

77 Dogs Called Back to the Fifth Series.
All dogs have been called back:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, and 94.

0 dogs Dropped. 

The Fifth Series is a land quad and will be held at Palmetto Field.
The Fifth Series starting dog number is 76, per the rotation.

Testing Connectivity at Palmetto Field

Are you all getting this post? Yell "yes" if you are!!!

Fourth Series Recap

The Fourth Series began yesterday at 2:52 pm and concluded today at 9:18 am making this a quick one. It was cold and frosty this morning, but things are warming up. The average run time both days was about 3-1/2 minutes. We're currently awaiting the callbacks to the Fifth Series. It's going to be another beautiful day. See you next at Palmetto Field!

Callbacks to Fifth Series Given at Next Site - Palmetto Field

Callbacks will be announced at Palmetto Field, the location for the Fifth Series.

Fourth Series In the Books @ 9:18 AM

The Fourth Series has concluded at 9:18 am.

51. FC-AFC Holland Cliffs Play It Again, "Luke" BLM, Alvin Hatcher

Luke came to the line at 9:14 am.

Two whistles and Alvin moved forward.
Two to cross the road.
One to enter the water.

50. FC-AFC Blackwater Dexter, "Dexter" BLM, Clint Avant

Dexter came to the line at 9:11 am.

Four whistles to the hay bale.
Two to get on the road with the latter cast carrying hi into the water and on to the blind!
Two in the water. The last one carried him to the blind stake.

49. FC-AFC Watermark's Hurricane Hannah, "Hannah", BLF, Paul Panichi

Two whistles for direction change in the broom sage.
Two at the hay bale.
Two to cross the road and get into the pond.
Two in the pond for direction.
One at the bird.

47. FC-AFC Whitewater Shaq N Bams Bouncin Pita MH, "Bounce" BLF, Cindie Little

Bounce came to the line at 9:01 am.

One whistle in the broom straw to adjust line - carried past hay bale and across the road.
Two to get in the pond.
Two in the pond for direction change - carried this to the bird.

46. FC Browns Lake Retro Dash For Stardom, "Cooper" BLM, Greg Bartlett

Cooper came to the line at 8:56 am.

Four quick whistles in the broom straw.
Two at the hay bale.
Two to cross the road and get into the pond.
Two to adjust the line in the pond.
Three on the far shore.

45. FC TruLine's Just Floyd, "Floyd" YLM, Amie Henninger

Floyd came to the line at 8:55 am.

Floyd is launched. Amie moved up to give the first cast at the water's edge.
One whistle in the water that carried him to check down.
One at the end.

44. FC-AFC Tucked Away At River's Edge, "Tucker" BLM, Alex Abraham

Tucker came to the line at 8:52 am.

One whistle to bring him on the road.
One to adjust his entry into the water. This cast took him to the blind post.

43. AFC Tucquan's Beauty Behind The Madness, "Bella" BLF, Hunter Street

Three whistles into the water.
Good momentum.

42. FC Jimaviche's Hollandaise Jammer, "Jammer" BLM, Kenny Trott

One whistle in the broom straw.
One at the hay bale.
One to cross the road into the pond.
Two on the far shore to the bird.

41. FC Rain's Bases Loaded, Grand Slam, "Slam" BLM, Jim Beck

One whistle in the broom straw for direction - Slam carried the line all the way to the bird!

40. FC-AFC Little Miss Freya, "Freya" BLF, James Roberts

One quick whistle to adjust Freya's line.
Three more in the broom sage.
One across the road.
One to get in the pond.
Two to give direction in the pond.
Three to get the bird.

37. FC Freeline Pogie, "Pogie" BLM, Ty Rorem

Two whistles and Ty moved forward.
Two to the water.
Three in the water. The last one carried Pogie to the bird.

36. 3R's Mister T's Tommy, "Tommy" BLM, Dave Smith

Tommy came to the line at 8:31 am.

Two whistles to the road.
Two to the water.
One in the water that carried him to the bird.

35. FC-AFC Seaside's Gorgeous George, "Clooney" BLM, Jason Baker

Clooney came to the line at 8:29 am.

Three whistles to the road.
One whistle to the water.
Very good end.

34. Flexman O'War QA2, "Coal" BLM, Hunter Street

Coal came to the line at 8:26 am.

One whistle in the broom straw.
One at the hay bale.
One to cross the road and get in the pond.
Two in the pond.
Two on the far shore to the bird.

33. FC Heartbeat's Sweet Georgia Peach, "Peaches" BLF, Andrew Curtis

Peaches came to the line at 8:22 am.

One whistle at the initial line just past the hay bale sent her across the road, into the pond, and straight to her bird.

32. FC West Bay's Jolly Roger, "Jack" BLM, Tony Flowers

Jack came to the line at 8:15 am.

Three whistles down field.
One at the hay bale.
One to get in the water.
One for a direction change in the water.
Two on the far shore to the bird.

28. FC-AFC Doctor Cabernet Just In Case, "Doc" BLM, Al Arthur

Doc came to the line at 8:16 am.

Good momentum.
Two whistles in the water.
Very nice.

27. AFC Rebel Ridge Walk On The Wildside, "Candy" BLF, Jeff Lyons

Four whistles to get down the hill and over the road.
One into the water.
One to exit the water.

26. FC-AFC Seaside's Smarty Jones, "Smarty" BLF, Kenny Trott

Smarty came to the line at 8:10 am.

Two whistles through the broom grass.
One up and onto the road that carried her into the pond.
One to adjust in the pond.
One on shore to the blind.

25. Beaver Runs Raymond For Sheriff QA2, "Raymond" BLM, Andrew Curtis

One through the broom straw.
One at the hay bale.
One to cross the road - carried this into the water.
One on the far shore.

A Brief Pause for Handlers to View the Line

There was a brief pause after dog #24, Camo, for the handlers to view the line.

24. FC Ellsd's Going On A Trip Grab Ur Camo, "Camo" YLM, Jim Beck

Camo came to the line at 8:01 am.

One whistle up close to establish the line.
One in the broom straw - carried the line through the pond and to the bird.

23. FC Yippee Kai Yea McBunn, "Kai" BLF, Dave Smith

Kai came to the line at 7:57 am.

One whistle to establish an initial line.
One in the broom straw.
One at the hay bale to cross the road.
One to get in the pond.
Two on the far shore to get to the bird.
One at the bird.

22. FC-AFC Holland Cliffs Blade A Fine Line, "Dozer" BLM, Alvin Hatcher

Dozer came to the line at 7:54 am.

One whistle early to establish his line.
Seven to get him in position to enter the water.
He carried the last cast to the bird.

19. FC-AFC-CAFC Baypoints Thousand Fathom Edge, "Ouuks" BLM, Kylie VandeBrake

Nine whistles to get through the cover and across the road. The last one took him to the water. She carried her line through the water.
One whistle at the end and he got his bird.

18. FC Taylorlabs Hot Cinnamon Buns, "Hottie" YLF, Lynn Troy

Two whistles early to establish her initial line.
Three to get her across the road and into water.
One to the blind.

17. FC H Ford 11, "Deuce" BLM, Alex Drent

Deuce came to the line at 7:43 am.

One whistle to get through the broom straw.
One at the hay bale to move right towards the pond.
One to get in the pond.
One on the far shore to the bird.

16. FC-AFC Hockley Creek's Switch Hitter, "Mickey” BLM, Robby Bickley

Mickey came to the line at 7:38 am.

One in the broom straw going downhill.
One to make it farther down.
One to cast back across the road to the pond.
One to get in the water.
One to adjust his line.
One on the far shore to the bird.

15. FC Troublesome Ribeye Medium Rare, "Pink" BLF, Chris Ledford

Pink came to the line at 7:34 am. 

Two whistles at the broom straw going downhill.
One at the hay bale - carried to the pond.
One to get in the water.
One to adjust direction in the water.
Two on the far shore to the bird.

14. FC Watermark’s Coal-Fired Folsom Train, "Cash" BLM, Greg Bartlett

Lined out to the water. Multiple whistles to move him left.
Exited the pond wide right. 
A quick handle when he hit the shore. The he got his bird.

12. Contrails Queen Maxima, "Maxie" BLF, Alan Pleasant

Maxie came to the line at 7:29 am.

Great momentum. Initial line carried her through the pond and to the bird. Remarkable.

11. NAFC-FC-AFC Bristol's North Slope Ptarmigan, "Ptar" BLM, Doreen Comrie-Bristol

Ptar came to the line at 7:26 am.

Two whistles early to establish his line that took him to the hay bales.
Three to get across the road.
Three to get into the pond.
Two to get through the water.

9. FC-AFC Beaver Runs Zig Zag Zeke, "Zeke" BLM, Andrew Curtis

Zeke came to the line at 7:20 am. 

Lined all the way into the pond - went to the bird. No whistles.

8. FC-AFC Abby's Physician Of Antioch, "Luke" BLM, Dan Hurst

Luke came to the line at 7:16 am.

Two whistles in the broom straw.
One at the hay bale.
One to get in the pond.
Two to get the bird.

7. FC MCS Henry, "Henry" YLM, Danny Farmer

Henry came to the line at 7:13 am.

One whistle in the broom straw - carried across the road.
One to get in the pond.
One for direction change in the pond - carried to the blind.

Conditions @ 7:13 AM

There is a frost on the ground with a mist rising off of the water. No wind - just cold.

6. FC Holland Cliffs Red Label, "Ruger" BLM, Alan Pleasant

Ruger came to the line at 7:11 am.

Two whistles through the cover to establish his line.
Two to get across the road.
Three in the water.
One at the end.

5. FC-AFC Drake's Bay Izzy, "Izzy" BLF, Dave Smith

Izzy came to the line at 7:06 am.

Three whistles through the cover.
Five at the hay bale to the road.
Six to position into the water.
Three in the water to the blind. 

4. FC-AFC Chopper's Final Approach, "Billie" BLF, Kenny Trott

Billie came to the line at 7:03 am.

Two whistles early and Kenny moves up.
Three to get across the road.
Two into the water.
Check down whistle at the end.

3. FC-AFC Mudslinger's Amazing Vision, "T Bone" YLM, Clint Avant

Three whistles at the broom straw.
Two at the hay bale.
One to get in the water - carried all the way through the pond.
Two to the bird.

Test Dog - Fourth Series

This morning's first test dog was Full Choke Winchester, "Chester," handler Deborah Gardner. He came to the line at 6:45 am.

Five whistles at the broom straw.
One at the hay bale.
Two to get in the water.
One at the bird.


Good morning. Day four of our National and day two of the Fourth Series. Our test dog ran at 6:45 am and the first running dog is scheduled for 7 am. The temperature is cool at 36 degrees. There's a bit of steam rising from the ponds, but it does not affect visibility. 

An old friend and phenomenal trainer, D.L. Walters, always said to breed to the winners of the National Open. His thought "You know they will work in the cold." It's not quite like the days at St. Louis where dogs would frost over in the cold, but it's close! 

Happy trails!

Day 2 of Fourth Series - Water Blind

Good morning from Mallard Pond where we'll resume series four. It's currently 36 degrees and clear with NNW winds at 1 mph. It should be another beautiful day today with an expected high of 69 degrees and lots of sunshine. 

#3 FC-AFC Mudslinger's Amazing Vision, "T Bone," will get us started shortly.

The Fourth Series, a water blind, is located in the same field as Test Three at Mallard Pond. The line moved back and now faces south. The mat sits on a hill with the lake on the handler's right. The terrain is covered with tall broom straw and native grasses.

The line to the 315 yard blind takes the dog down the hill through the tall broom straw just right of a mowed path. There is a half bale surrounded by brush at the base of the hill. In the area of this bale there is a dip where the dog appears to be out of sight for two or three seconds. The dog must stay right of this bale, go up a rise, cross a road, go through some cover, and into the pond. The dog must cut the corner end of the pond on a right angle, to get out on the far shore, and head for a small pine tree approximately 30 feet from the water.

Test Four – Land Blind

Fourth Series Sketch by Jean Wu