Sunday, November 14, 2021

Day 1 of Third Series - Recap

We began the Third Series with #29 NFC-AFC Bayou Teche Swing For The Fence, "Foxx," at Mallard Pond around 7:38 am with all 93 dogs. Foxx was the first of 12 handles for the day. There were only five no birds today - much better than yesterday's count of 14. Thankfully, there were no dogs who had more than one. There were also no pick ups, double handles, or scratches.

Overall it was a beautiful day with moderate temperatures and breezes and plenty of sunshine. While the sun kept things comfy, it did cause some issues with shadows in the late afternoon. The judges called the series for the day at 3:58 pm after dog #78 FC Sliders Close Call At The Plate, "Safe," completed his run. The runs averaged 11.2 minutes, not taking into account any gun changes.

We'll resume the test tomorrow morning with the test dog running at 6:30 am at Mallard Pond.

Third Series Called for the Day @ 3:58 PM

 The judges have called the Third Series for the day at 3:58 pm. It will resume tomorrow at 6:30 am beginning with the test dog at the same location, Mallard Pond. 

78. FC Sliders Close Call At The Plate, "Safe" BLM, Al Arthur,

Flyer - Safe swam across for the flyer and ran back quickly to be ready for the next bird.

Short retired - Nice job. He pounced through the cover, made a couple of turns and grabbed his bird.

Right retired - Safe ran high o the near shore. He crossed at the far end of the pond and ran along the tree line. He then made a few loops and came down to the shoreline for his bird.

77. FC-AFC Adeline Rules The Roost, "Addie" BLF, Monte French

Addie came to the line at 3:38 p.m.

Flyer - Addie swam the pond, drove the hill, then made a quick left to the bird.

Short retired - She swam the pond, went up through the cover, came out and around, then back into the cover for her bird.

Right retired - She swam across, came out left of the blind, then went deep to the woods. She hunted left and right and worked it out.



We are just over half way through this test. The winds have picked up. The shadows are stretching across the field from the far tree line. The flyer is still fairly well lit. The short retired is not affected by the shadows yet, but the right retired gun is beginning to appear striped by the tree shadows. And, the end of the pond is becoming engulfed in darkness.

76. FC-AFC Flawless Execution – FLEX, "Flex" BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Flex came to the line at 3:31 pm.

Flyer - Flex went through the water and up the hill to his bird.

Short retired - He plowed through the ribbon of cover, made a quick pass and was back through with his bird.

Right retired - He crossed the water and made a couple of quick passes near the opposite shoreline to pick up the bird.

75. FC Eye On The Ball Vixen, "Vixen" BLF, Jim Beck

Flyer - The flyer landed just left of the road. Vixen exited the pond on the back side of the short retired guns. She then drove the hill behind the flyer guns and put on a hunt. She finally crossed to the left side of the road and got her bird.

Right retired - She came in wide right, made one deep loop, then came back to the shore for the bird.

Short retired - She crossed the pond, went up through the cover under the arc and straight to the bird.



74. Handle - FC-AFC Contrails Sky Queen, "Reina" BLF, Alan Pleasant

Reina came to the line at 3:11 pm.

Short retired - Reina got her bird.

Right retired - She hunted deep. She did not see the path the bird took due to the shadows.

Flyer - She went up the backside of the gunner station. She then stopped and was handled to the bird.


70. Rerun - FC-AFC Bayou-Star Royal Baby, "Brit" BLF, John Caire

 Flyer - Crossed and quickly got her bird.

Short retired - Drove across the pond and through the cover row … a short loop and back to her bird.

Right Retired - Excellent line across the field and through the water. Got out under the arc – made a short loop and came directlyback to the bird – Nice job!

73. FC-AFC Midnight Trains Texas Ranger, "Deets" BLM, Chris Ledford

Deets came to the line at 2:54 pm.

Flyer - Deets ran the road to his bird that landed there.

Short retired - Very good.

Right retired - He made a nice angle towards the pond. He then crossed it to his bird.

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68. Rerun - AFC Razor's Buckshot, "Shooter" BLM, Ty Rorem

Shooter came to the line at 3:47 pm. 

Flyer - Shooter swam across and drove straight up the left side to the bird.

Short retired - Good line. Nice job.

Right retired - He made quick work of this bird.


72. FC Carl With A K, "Karl" BLM, Rick Stawski

Karl came to the line with at 2:37 pm.

Flyer - Smack.

Short retired - Karl angled to the right side of the brush. He turned left behind the cover and got it.

Right retired - He came out on the right end. Crossed and got his bird.



66. Rerun - FC-AFC Wood River's Perfect Pass, "Lonzo" BLM, John Henninger

Lonzo came to the line again at 2:29 pm.

Flyer - Lonzo swam the pond, drove the hill on the left. He hunted, made a few big turns and got it.

Short retired - He swam the pond, went through the cover and straight to the bird.

Right retired - He went to the area at the base of the holding blind. He then pulled out right and went up on land a little deep. He turned and came down to the bird.

71. FC Kid's Aslan, "Prophet" BLM, Amie Henninger

Flyer - Prophet ran the road up high, turned left into the field and quickly got the bird.

Short retired - Across the pond, through the brush, turned back and got it.

Right retired - He ran the right side, almost to the end. Then he crossed and ran the tree line. Worked it out and got his bird.

70. No Bird - FC-AFC Bayou-Star Royal Baby, "Brit" BLF, John Caire

 Brit did not get a bird.

69. FC Sweetie's Little Dash-A-Rue QA2, "Dash" BLF, Alex Drent

Flyer - Dash swam across the water going left of the road. He ran up the hill to the area of the fall and initiated a significant hunt to bring back the bird.

Short retired - A good mark here. Straight in and straight out.

Right retired - He swam across the pond and landed right of the mark. He then drove up the blind, but came back down to pick up his bird.

68. No Bird - AFC Razor's Buckshot, "Shooter" BLM, Ty Rorem

Shooter came to the line at 2:05 pm.

He did not get a bird.

67. FC-AFC Waluke Stryder, "Stryder" BLM, Freeman Boyett

Flyer - Stryder went straight to his bird.

Short retired - He came out right on the bird.

Right retired - This time he came out under the arc, turned right and got his bird.


66. No Bird - FC-AFC Wood River's Perfect Pass, "Lonzo" BLM, John Henninger

 Tavi did not get a bird.

65. FC Freeridin Rikki Tikki Tavi, "Tavi" BLF, Kenny Trott

Tavi came to the line at 1:46 pm.

Flyer - Tavi went up the road to her bird.

Short retired - She swam across the water and burst through the ribbon of cover under the arc of the fall. She turned and scooped up the bird, busting back through the cover with her spoils.

Right retired - Tavi landed on the far shore behind the guns. She quickly ran a half circle around them and down the shore to her bird.


64. FC Fine Lines Sympathy For The Devil, "Jagger" BLM, Rick Stawski

Jagger came to the line at 1:37 pm. 

Flyer - Jagger ran the road, went up the hill on the right side, then crossed to the left side and his bird.

Short retired - He swam across the pond on a right angle, then came out at the right end of the cover. Jumped in and got it!

Right retired - Nice job.


Gun Change @ 1:26 PM - Conditions Update

There was a gun change at 1:26 pm. It's 58 degrees and the wind in southwest at 5 mph. 

63. FC-AFC Bedazzled II, "Be" BLF, Yvonne Hays

Be came to the line at 1:19 pm.

Flyer - Be swam the pond on the left side of the road.

Short retired - She made a little loop around the tree, but then she located her bird.

Right retired - She angled down to the pond. She hunted deep and found her bird.


62. Handle - FC-AFC Mitimat's Respect The Girl, "Reatha" BLF, Andrew Curtis

Flyer - Reatha swam then drove the hill and drilled it.

Short retired - She swam across and drove the hill to the top. She hunted hard and deep, then wide right. She was handled to the bird.

Right retired - She came up from the right and got her bird.


61. FC Trumarc's Gratuity, "Tippy" BLF, Danny Farmer

Tippy came to the line at 1:02 pm.

Flyer - Tippy swam across the pond to the left of the road. She climbed the hillside and got her bird.

Short retired - Nice line across the water. She went around the end of the ribbon of cover and was on the bird.

Right retired - Tippy made a few loops deep but stayed in the area. She worked it out and had her bird.

60. Handle - Indigo Rev It Up At Shoreline, "Rex" BLM, Edward Forry

Flyer - Rex took the road straight to the bird.

Short retired - Excellent line through the brush, but then he kept going. He was handled back to the bird.

Right retired - Excellent line. Came out under the arc, ran deep, and came back for the bird.


59. FC Tucquan's Takin' The Rysk, "Rysk" BLM, Alan Pleasant

Flyer - Rysk swam the pond, went up the left side, then crossed and hunted right and left before he got his bird.

Short retired - He crossed the pond, had a short hunt and got it.

Right retired - Good job.


54. Rerun - FC Good Idea's Punt With a North Wind, "Punt" BLF, Al Arthur

Flyer - Punt had a hunt on both sides of the road but quickly worked it out.

Short retired - He swam to the right of the fall area, then up and out to the bird.

Right retired - He swam down to the far shore under the arc. Then he got out, made one short turn and picked it up.


58. Done Deal QA2, "DunDee" BLF, Cindy Huff

Flyer - DunDee ran to the right edge of the road, then straight to her bird.

Short retired - She angled across the pond, then went to the right side of the brush and picked up the bird. Excellent.

Right retired - She angled across and to the left of the blind. She circled and got it.


57. FC-AFC Truline’s Big Bad Jack, "Jack" BLM, John Henninger

Flyer - Jack ran straight up the road and made a turn to the right. He then crossed left and found his bird quickly.

Short retired - Great line. He busted the cover and came back with his bird.

Right retired - Another great line. He swam to the area just right of the fall, then made one loop deep and came back quickly with the bird.

56. FC-AFC BD North Shore's Instant Rain Gear QA2, "Poncho" BLM, Malcolm Haith

Poncho came to the line at 12:05 pm.

Flyer - Poncho went through the water on the left side of the road and right up to his bird.

Right retired - He angled through the water and came up near the retired guns. He did a few loops behind and deep, then came down for his bird.

Short retired - Beautiful mark. Poncho went across, busted the ribbon of cover to come out with the bird.

55. FC-AFC Kirkwood's Ace Of A Higher Grade, "Deacon" BLM, Casey Adams

Deacon came to the line at 11:57 am.

Flyer - The bird landed in the middle of the road. Deacon ran over and scooped it up.

Short retired - He crossed the pond, went through the cover, and grabbed the bird.

Right retired - He made an excellent angle across the land, then swam and came out under the arc. He made a few loops deep, then went back for the bird.


Conditions Update @ 11:55 AM

The wind has shifted from southeast to south-southwest. It's now 55 degrees and remains sunny.

49. Rerun/Handle - FC-AFC Watermark's Hurricane Hannah, "Hannah", BLF, Paul Panichi

Hannah came to the line at 11:46 am.

Flyer - Hannah ran along the road to the far side of the pond to the bird.

Short retired - She made a short loop before the cover. She then scooted through the cover to quickly pick up her bird.

Right retired - Hanna got out early. She ran deep behind the gunners and hunted along the tree line before being handled.


54. No Bird - FC Good Idea's Punt With a North Wind, "Punt" BLF, Al Arthur

Punt did not get a bird. She'll rerun after dog 59. 

53. FC Meadow Woods Whispering Willow, "Willow" YLF, Danny Farmer

Willow came to the line at 11:36 am.

Flyer - Willow made a quick recovery.

Short retired - She went out straight to the bird and came straight back with it.

Right retired - Good line. She angled across the pond directly to the bird.


52. FC-AFC Hyflyer’s Life In The Fast Line, "Crash" BLM, Wayne Curtis

Crash came to the line at 11:23 am.

Flyer - Crash swam across the pond towards a very long flyer that landed wide left. He drilled it.

Short retired - He swam the pond, angled right and went a bit deep. He went back down to the brush, moved right and got his bird.

Right retired - Crash went down the right side of the pond. Swam right of the fall area, made one loop deep, then quickly back to the bird.


51. FC-AFC Holland Cliffs Play It Again, "Luke" BLM, Alvin Hatcher

Luke came to the line at 11:15 am.

Flyer - Luke went down the road and up the backside of the gunners. He hunted both sides of the road and found his bird.

Short retired - He went up and deep but came back to the bird.

Right retired - He ran along the shoreline and squared into the pond. He then swam across towards the end of the pond and right to the bird.

50. FC-AFC Blackwater Dexter, "Dexter" BLM, Clint Avant

Dexter came to the line at 11:05 am.

Flyer - Dexter ran the road across the pond, then up the hill. He turned left and quickly got his bird.

Short retired - Excellent line and quick retrieve.

Right retired - He angled across and ran in shallow water. He then came out under the arc of the bird. He made a few quick turns in the field and came back to the shoreline for the bird.


49. No Bird - FC-AFC Watermark's Hurricane Hannah, "Hannah", BLF, Paul Panichi

Hannah came to the line at 11:03 am. 

She did not get a bird.

Gun Change & Rebird @ 10:55 AM

There was a gun change and rebird at 10:55 am.  

48. Handle - FC Stackbarrel's Tax Man, "Tax" BLM, Ida Richards

Tax came to the line at 10:45 am.

Flyer - The flyer landed in the middle of the road. Tax went up the right side of the field, made a deep loop, then worked his way down to the bird.

Short retired - He took the same line up as he did to the flyer. He was handled early but was not responding to the whistle. He worked it out.

Right retired - He angled across the pond but came out left of the guns and went to the tree line. He worked it out after a hunt.


47. FC-AFC Whitewater Shaq N Bams Bouncin Pita MH, "Bounce" BLF, Cindie Little

Bounce came to the line at 10:37 am.

Flyer - Bounce swam along the shore of the water to the left of the road. She climbed the hill and grabbed her bird.

Short retired - A positive mark! She swam across the pond and drove straight to the bird.

Right retired - Well done. She swam to the bird and back to complete the 3rd.


46. Handle - FC Browns Lake Retro Dash For Stardom, "Cooper" BLM, Greg Bartlett

Cooper came to the line at 10:25 am. 

Flyer - Cooper came up the hill to the right of the guns. He hooked the flyer station, moving from deep right to deep left. He went back to the right, came down and got his bird.

Short retired - He swam across the pond and came out just left of the blind, then headed up the hill. A quick whistle brought him back down to his bird. 

Right retired - He held the side of the hill around the pond and out to the bird.

45. FC TruLine's Just Floyd, "Floyd" YLM, Amie Henninger

Floyd came to the line at 10:15 am.

Flyer - Floyd swam across the pond along the left side of the road. He made a couple of loops deep and went down to his bird.

Short retired - He made a great line through the water and up to the bird.

Right retired - Floyd's route was not visible to us, but he got his bird when he came back across the water. 


44. FC-AFC Tucked Away At River's Edge, "Tucker" BLM, Alex Abraham

Tucker came to the line at 10:08 am.

Flyer - Tucker took the road and went left. He worked his way up the hill and hunted wide left. He came back to the right side of the road and found his bird.

Short retired - He swam across the pond, came in left of the blind, then turned down to the brush and came out with the bird.

Right retired - He angled the hill and went into the pond. He swam to the fall area and came out just right of the bird. He then made a quick turn and got it.


43. AFC Tucquan's Beauty Behind The Madness, "Bella" BLF, Hunter Street

Bella came to the line at 9:59 am.

Flyer - Bella made a quick recovery of her bird.

Short retired - She swam across the pond, went up the hill and through the cover to pick up her bird.

Right retired - Very nice job. Bella angled the water up to the pond's edge for her bird.


42. FC Jimaviche's Hollandaise Jammer, "Jammer" BLM, Kenny Trott

Jammer came to the line at 9:50 am.

Flyer - The flyer was very long and wide to the left. Jammer swam the pond, went up towards the guns, then made a loop to the right of the road. He then back across to the left and out to his bird.

Short retired - He swam close to the road and came out to the left of the guns. He made a quick turn deep and then went into the cover. He quickly got his bird.

Right retired - He angled the hill, swam to the fall area and got it!


41. Handle - FC Rain's Bases Loaded, Grand Slam, "Slam" BLM, Jim Beck

Slam came to the line at 9:39 am. 

Flyer - Slam went across the pond, up the hillside, and to his bird.

Right retired - He swam across the pond and had a very good angle that put him right on the bird.

Short retired - He swam across the pond and came out to the left of the retired gun. He drove the hill and began his hunt pattern that carried him further away. Slam was handled. 

40. FC-AFC Little Miss Freya, "Freya" BLF, James Roberts

Freya came to the line at 9:25 am.

Flyer - Freya went to the left piece of water, then drove up to the fall area and her bird.

Short retired - She swam the pond, then caught the right end of the cover. She then drove to the top of the hill, quartered her way back down into the cover and got it.

Right retired - She went to the end of the pond, made a few loops deep, and then went back to the water and her bird.


39. FC Execution Southern Style – Lethal, "Lethal" BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Lethal came to the line at 9:15 am.

Flyer - Lethal swam the water to the left of the road. He came out and drove the hill to pick up his duck.

Short retired - He went across the water, then drove through the cover to establish a hunt patter that carried him further up the hill. After a few loops, he dropped back down the hill to his bird.

Right retired - He swam across the pond but came out left of the bird. He made a couple of quick loops, then down to the bird.


38. Handle - NFC-FC-AFC Cropper's Fire In The Hole, "Deep" BLM, Al Arthur

Deep came to the line at 9:02 am.

Flyer - Deep took a piece of water, then came out and worked deep right on the hillside. He worked his way back down to the bird that short and on the right side of the road.

Short retired - He swam the pond, then went right up the hill to the top into the tree line. He had to be handled back down to his bird.

Right retired - Deep stayed out of the cold water as long as possible. He hunted the far tree line before returning to the blind and then his bird.

37. FC Freeline Pogie, "Pogie" BLM, Ty Rorem

Pogie came to the line at 8:51 am.

Flyer - Pogie went through the water on the left side of the road, but then went out to the right of the road. He went into the area under the arc and to the right of the road. He then made a turn towards the bird and grabbed it.

Short retired - He angled across the water and was out. He skirted to the right end of the ribbon of cover, then went high. He recovered to drop down to the bird.

Right retired - He angled down the hill towards the water. We weren't able to see him from our location until he came out on the far shore at the end of the pond. He moved quickly to the bird.

36. Handle - 3R's Mister T's Tommy, "Tommy" BLM, Dave Smith

Flyer - Tommy crossed the road and went up it on the right side. He then moved to the left and quickly got his bird.

Short retired - He angled across the water, then went to the right of the brush and all the way to the top of the hill and tree line. He hunted left and right and to be handled back down to the bird.

Right retired - He went directly to his bird.


35. FC-AFC Seaside's Gorgeous George, "Clooney" BLM, Jason Baker

Clooney came to the line at 8:33 am.

Flyer - Clooney's flyer was across the road, so his line took him through the water to the left of the road and up the hill. He made a quick recovery of his bird.

Short retired - He swam across the pond and through the cover to his bird.

Right retired - He made a nice angle into the water that carried him to the bird.


34. Flexman O'War QA2, "Coal" BLM, Hunter Street

Coal came to the line at 8:23 am.

Flyer - Coal swam across the pond, went up the hill, and put his nose on it.

Short retired - He swam across the water to the blind. He then did a tight hunt in the cover and came out with his bird.

Right retired - He went straight to this bird.

33. FC Heartbeat's Sweet Georgia Peach, "Peaches" BLF, Andrew Curtis

Peaches came to the line at 8:15 am.

Flyer - She went down the road and up the hill. Her bird landed near the edge of the road and she grabbed it.

Short retired - She swam across the pond to the cover to investigate and came out with the bird.

Right retired - Nice angle into the water. She maintained her line across the pond to the far side and to her bird.


32. FC West Bay's Jolly Roger, "Jack" BLM, Tony Flowers

Jack came to the line at 8:07 am.

Flyer - Jack went into the left side of the water, then went up the hill on the left side. He then went right and quickly back to the left to his bird. Nice.

Short retired - He went across the water, then up the far side towards the tree. He worked the cover back to the left and quickly got it.

Right retired - He swam on a great line. When he got out just left of the bird, he went deep left for two large loops. He then went deep right before coming back to his bird.


31. Handle - FC-AFC Smoky Mountain's Midnight Rider, "Ike" BLM, Greg Seddon

Flyer - Ike entered the water to the left of the road, then angled around to the rear of the gunners to establish a tight hunt to his bird.

Short retired - He had a good line across the pond, through the ribbon of cover, and just missed the bird. He drove high and was handled.

Right retired - Ike had a nice line angling through the water and to his bird. 


30. Handle - CFC-CAFC-CNFC Flint River's Fifty Shades Of Blue, "Teal" BLF, Connie Dresser

Teal came to the line at approximately 7:47 am.

Flyer - She went across the road and deep right. Then went back to the left side and got it.

Right retired - She ran at an angle on the near side, then hunted until she found it.

Short retired - She went across the water, through the cover and missed. Then she went deep and got close to the flyer. She had to be handled back to the the bird.


29. Handle - NFC-AFC Bayou Teche Swing For The Fence, "Foxx" BLM, Lauren Hays

Foxx came to the line at approximately 7:38 am.

Flyer (deep left of road) - Foxx took the road and hunted the right side wide. He continued to hunt both sides and had to be handled. 

Short Retired - He swam across the pond and missed. He went back into the water, then back to the heavy cover and got it.

Right Retired - Missed. Went deep. Went back to the water and got it.


Test Dogs – Third Series

Test dog #1 is Full Choke Winchester, "Chester," handler Deborah Gardner. He came to the line at 7:09 am.

Flyer - Chester crossed the road and and hunted to the right. He worked deep, then moved left across the road to the bird.

Right Retired - He took a right angle towards the middle (short retired) bird, then adjusted in the water. He came out at the tree, went back down to the water's edge and around to the right hand bird. Hunted it!

Short Retired - Went across and deep. Handled back to the bird.

Test dog #2 is Another Cup Of Jo, "JoJo," handler Kathy Scott. She came to the line at 7:11 am. 

Flyer - She went across the road and up towards the guns. This one is right of the road. She hunted the cover until she got it.

Short Retired - Drilled it.

Right Retired - She angled across the field to the right. She then squared across the pond, ran to the right end and got it.

Third Series Test Description

The Third Series is a Water Triple at Mallard Pond.

The mat faces west and sits on the east side of a draw that has been dammed. The terrain has patches of exposed sand with clumps of brown sage but is predominantly low cover of native grasses. Skies are clear and the lighting should be consistent throughout the day. The background of the field is lined by mature trees. The water structure contains stumps throughout. There is a road between the water structures that creates the left margin of our field. The road goes up to the gunners on the far side and comes along the area between the line and pond on the near side.

The first station is the Right Retired gun on the far side of the pond. The two-man team has a flat throw of a mallard hen at 230 yards. It lands on the far shore in cover. The line will take the dog downhill, across the road, over some slight terraces, and angle through the stump-filled pond. 

The Short Retired gun is a rooster at 200 yards thrown right. The bird lands near the base of a tree behind a ribbon of cover. The dog will need to cross the pond, drive the hill, and go through the cover.

The Flyer station sits to the right of the road, and the hen mallard flyer is shot and thrown angled back to the left at approximately 250 yards.
Third Series Water Triple at Mallard Pond

Right Retired – 230 yards

Short Retired – 200 yards

Flyer – 250 yards
Sketch of the Third Series by Jean Wu