The Fifth Series proved to be an arduous one that spanned three days. It was very warm and the dogs did not respond well. Additionally, there were many no birds, handles, and pick ups, but we made it.
Day one began at 10:42 am with 77 dogs and lasted until 4:48 pm (6 hours, 6 minutes.) Dog 76, FC-AFC Flawless Execution (Flex) started things off.
Day two began at 7:09 am and concluded at 1pm (5 hours, 51 minutes) due to the warm weather conditions. Quite a few of the dogs had to be picked up because of this. Dog 24, FC Ellsd's Going On A Trip Grab Ur Camo (Camo) kicked off that day's round.
Day three began at 7:20 am and the tests were complete as of 9:48 am (2 hours, 28 minutes.) Dog 61, FC Trumarc's Gratuity (Tippy) was the starter.
All in all, we had 19 handles, 14 pick ups, 16 no birds (two of which were doubles), and the series lasted 14 hours and 25 minutes. Whew!
From those 77 dogs who participated, 37 were called back to the next series, but number 52 scratched, leaving us with 36 for Series Six and Seven.