Fun Fact: This National is the fifth National Open to be held in Cheraw, SC. Previous years were 1997, 2001, 2005 and 2013.
One other was held in South Carolina … the 1981 National in Santee, roughly one hour away from Cheraw. "That was before my time," noted South Carolina resident Bill Goldstein. But, he sure did hear about it! "They got alligators. They got 16 footers! All the gunners had buckshot in their guns in case the alligators wanted a snack."
"I was in charge of the grounds for the first one in '97. I graduated to Chief Marshal in '01. I was Chairman in '05. I worked my way up the ladder."
{This blog entry was submitted by Joule Charney, Retriever News' author of the Retrievers of the Past series that dates back to 2009. Stay tuned for more blog entries by Joule.}