Saturday, November 13, 2021

65. FC Freeridin Rikki Tikki Tavi, "Tavi" BLF, Kenny Trott, Marcy Wright

FC Freeridin Rikki Tikki Tavi (Tavi)
Lab Female
SR85662909 -- 12/6/2014
Sire: FC-CFC Backwater's Boomer
Dam: FC Iron Range Renegade's Lawless Lucy
Breeder: Erin Willard
Owner: Naomi & Tyler Evans, Altario, AB
Handler: Kenny Trott

Tavi came to the line at 12:34 pm.

Flyer - Tavi drove the hillside. She made a loop and was on the bird.

Short retired - Very good mark.

Blind - Tavi held the hillside well. First whistle was nearly to the blind. Two more to adjust her line and on the bird.