Saturday, November 13, 2021

47. FC-AFC Whitewater Shaq N Bams Bouncin Pita MH, "Bounce" BLF, Cindie Little

FC-AFC Whitewater Shaq N Bams Bouncin Pita MH (Bounce)
Lab Female
SR676500/08 -- 4/10/2011
Sire: FC-AFC Wood River's Franchise
Dam: FC-AFC Oakdale Whitewater Devil Dog MH
Breeder: Howard Niemi
Owner: Cindie Little, Fairbanks, AK
Handler: Cindie Little

Flyer - Bounce had a lovely mark. Drove the hill right to her bird.

Short retired - Broke down near the throwers. She did a couple of loops and moved on to the fall.

Blind - Good initial line. Whistle at the end.