Saturday, November 13, 2021

31. FC-AFC Smoky Mountain's Midnight Rider, "Ike" BLM, Greg Seddon

FC-AFC Smoky Mountain's Midnight Rider (Ike)
Lab Male
SR86865107 -- 2/5/2015
Sire: FC Huckleberry Fen
Dam: Whistling Dixie Blue Will-Do MH
Breeder: Ralph & Sally Ardis
Owner: Greg Seddon, Clarkston, MI
Handler: Greg Seddon

Ike came to the line at 9:20 am.

Flyer - Ike pulled a little left as he drove the hill. Entered the area under arc of fall. Established a hunt behind the gunners and deep, eventually increasing his hunt to include the bird.

Short retired - Good recall of the mark and back with his bird.

Blind - Good initial line that carried him nearly to the bird. A couple of whistles at the end and he got the bird.