Saturday, November 13, 2021

3. FC-AFC Mudslinger's Amazing Vision, "T Bone" YLM, Clint Avant

FC-AFC Mudslinger's Amazing Vision (T Bone)
Lab Male
SR716893/02 -- 2/18/2012
Sire: NAFC-FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade
Dam: Ruff Rivers Rudys Over N Under MH
Breeder: Jason Roessner, Brad Lewis, Northrup Larson
Owner: Dale Willard & Northrup Larson, Katy, TX
Handler: Clint Avant

T Bone came to the line at 3:52 pm.

Flyer - T Bone had a little hunt under the arc. He worked his way over to the bird.

Short retired - His line was a bit left of the fall, but he corrected and got his bird.

Blind - Early whistle to correct the initial line, followed by three more to get his bird.