Saturday, November 13, 2021

27. AFC Rebel Ridge Walk On The Wildside, "Candy" BLF, Jeff Lyons

AFC Rebel Ridge Walk On The Wildside (Candy)
Lab Female
SR82500508 -- 4/7/2014
Sire: NAFC-FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade
Dam: FC-AFC Ranger's Lone Lola
Breeder: Stephen Bireley
Owner: Madelyn Yelton & Jeff Lyons, Elkton, MD
Handler: Jeff Lyons

Flyer - Up the field. Worked out to the right to a very long flyer.

Short retired - Came in under the arc. Turned left for a quick loop, then moved to the fall area and the bird.

Blind - One whistle as she angled the hill. Two more and the bird.