Saturday, November 20, 2021

26. FC-AFC Seaside's Smarty Jones, "Smarty" BLF, Kenny Trott

FC-AFC Seaside's Smarty Jones (Smarty)
Lab Female
Sire: FC-AFC Seaside's Gorgeous George
Dam: Reedcreek's Center Cut
Breeder: Patti & Larry Simmons
Owner: Derek Smith, La Salle, CO
Handler: Kenny Trott

Smarty came to the line at 11:45 am.

Flyer - Smack! Straight to it.

Left retired - Swam the lake, went over point, then into the area between the left and middle retired guns. Hunted back and forth, then went left and got the bird.

Middle retired - Into the first cover, over the tip of the point with the flyer guns. Out across the lake, then up through the fall area and worked it out.